How Is That Government Control Working Out for Us?

The government bailouts for the financial and auto industries does not appear to be holding up too well as the stock market continues to decline. The stock market has dropped 2.84% in the past five days. The following charts show a comparison between the DJIA (blue) and the respective government sponsored (controlled) stock in green.

General Electric (Government Electric) – down 5.47%

General Motors (Government Motors) – down 5.93%

Citigroup – down 6.23%

JP Morgan Chase – down 7.46%

Government intervention (control) of the market place will not save our country as shown in the above three graphs.

“By the rules and terms of my code, one owes a rational statement to those whom it does concern and who’re making an effort to know. Those who’re making an effort to refuse to understand me, are not a concern of mine…” “…Now that you know the truth about your world, stop supporting your destroyers. The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. Withdraw your sanction. Withdraw your support.”


It is time to understand what the “sanction of the victim” is doing to our country and our future. Going Galt may be the most patriotic act that we can do for our country.

David DeGerolamo


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12 years ago

I stopped buying products made by GE years ago, at least since Immelt took the reigns -- they have been nothing, if not complicit in bringing down this country.