How Long Before You Resist?

christian mercenary

I have been waiting a long time for people in this community to decide that enough is enough and contact me with plans to do something in the face of the continual abuses of the federal government. I don’t know what it takes to motivate resistance. We are witnessing the absolute destruction of our society and I know there are those out there who deplore the changes taking place in our society, but none who are motivated to act.

I know there are those who are thinking locally and who are developing strong communication systems, who are busy building the skills of their tribe. And while that is absolutely commendable and to be honest, one of the systems upon which I will rely when the SHTF, there needs to be more.  There needs to be an actual resistance, an actual leader who is willing to stand up, with the weight of those dedicated to liberty and confront the actions being taken in our name.

Our federal debt has been frozen at just over $18 trillion. $18 trillion.  We have our government planning: taking actual steps and planning to “bail in” the banks when the next financial crisis hits. WHEN, not if, the next banking crisis erupts. In other words, they plan to take your money, your wages for your hard work, and apply it to their bad debts, their bad investments.  They will take the wages you have earned with your labor and give it to the banks to keep them solvent. At what point do you look in the mirror and say that this is wrong and that you will do something about it? How ugly does it have to get? How screwed to you have to be to resist the rapist?


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Emily Disraeli
Emily Disraeli
9 years ago

We must remain patient, for if we leave the porch prematurely then what ever kind of world wide crash occurs, we will be blamed. Everything is crumbling down around us, it is just a matter of a few months and everything the Powers That Be controlled will be destroyed. The great unwashed masses must preceive us as their saving knights, if they are turned against us then we will face an insurmountable challenge. There is very little we can do at this point that will effect the course of the political, economic and Christian down fall. No one target will change this future and acting would only weaken and call attention to our ranks.

9 years ago

There will be ONE who will lead the Renewed Exodus of HIS people out of bondage.
There is no Moshe on earth that man can appoint to this unholy work. We, this nation, are not HIS chosen people. Ask yourself, Why has there been such apathy amongst mankind on this earth to remove themselves from bondage? Why is man nearly cognitively amnestic from day to day in remembering “the pain” of the injuries and inflictions that have been done and are continuing daily, ongoing to the destruction of our God given liberties? Why are we waiting for another MAN to be worthy of a leader?
We must renew the COVENANT that YHWH made with Abraham. We must obey HIS commands, HIS TORAH LAW, ABOVE the manmade law that we have coveted in unholy practices for years.
We have allowed abominations to occur against HIS LAW with the man appointed judges that have upheld manmade law, for too many years.
The only way back, is through HIM. SHEMA!