How Many Bikers Were in Washington, D.C. for the 9/11 Rally?

I asked a business associate on September 11, 2013 what his thoughts were on the 2 million bikers heading to Washington, D.C. He replied that he had not heard about this rally. But he added that he watches Good Morning America every day before leaving for work and they did not mention it. His

implied conclusion was that this was not news.

On the day after, what is the estimate of patriotic Americans who felt the call of Liberty and rode to Washington, D.C.? From Newsmax:

Thousands of bikers descended on Washington, D.C., Wednesday to protest a Muslim march provocatively timed for the 12th anniversary of 9/11.

While the “Million Muslim March” looked likely to be a flop, the “2 Million Bikers” event brought participants from throughout the eastern seaboard. One estimate put the number of bikers there at 880,000.

Is this a valid estimate? The source is not given although a news report on the radio stated that the park service estimated 800,000. If this is true (and I hope it is), the real story is the suppression of this event by the government and media. I have made a personal vow not to go to Washington, D.C. unarmed so I did not go. The restrictions placed upon us in the District of Columbia by the federal government are an affront to both the 2nd amendment and George Washington. I have no doubt that President Washington would not have wanted his reputation associated with what has become a cesspool for tyranny led by pResident Obama.

The news about the rally may be suppressed in the media but it is not suppressed in the hearts of patriots. A warm thank you to all who rode for Liberty on September 11, 2013.

David DeGerolamo

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11 years ago

After much searching, I think I found the source of the 850K number, which is the estimate for this year’s Ride To the Wall, the Rolling Thunder event that takes a year to plan. It’s unfortunate that someone pulled that info from their website and posted it as this event. Having said that, it’s the world we live in, and if there were 8000 that participated with 2 weeks notice, that is EXCELLENT. There’s no way, in my opinion after watching all the traffic cams, that 850K bikes were there, but the crowd was large and I suspect that since this will become an annual event, next year will be even better. Your comment about media suppression is certainly valid, as we saw that with the 9-12 event. The best part of this is that those who ARE paying attention, know that they are not alone.
Those that aren’t paying attention, don’t care anyway.

Sgt. C
11 years ago

I passed a group heading home to Red Springs/Lumberton. There were EASILY 200-300 in the group. If there are that many from ‘small-town-s U.S.A. then who really knows what the number was?