Do you need anymore evidence that the Department of Justice and FBI are complicit in the coup?
David DeGerolamo
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Do you need anymore evidence that the Department of Justice and FBI are complicit in the coup?
David DeGerolamo
Yes. Complicit.
They are children of the devil and his demon minions, your one word summed it all up, but in this new brave world a lie is the truth and the truth is the lie.
Jay Epps was an Oath Keepers chapter president. How ’bout that? I was asked to join,I’m a vet, but declined. Epps lives on his ranch outside of Phoenix for anyone who would like to know. He claims he is/was never a government informant. B.S. I wonder what happened to his chapter.
Rafael Cruz trying to get back into everybody’s good graces and stay “relevant.” Unfortunately, the majority of contards will fall for it.
True, but what is more relevant is the irrelevancy of the US Senate as the Deep Statist Bureacrazy does as it pleases.
Patrick Henry’s borderline treasonous comments about George III in protest of the Stamp Act in the House of Burgesses on May 29, 1765.
Henry began as if he were a lion: “Caesar had his Brutus; Charles the First his Cromwell; and George the Third . . . .” Henry, in the middle of his point, was interrupted by cries of “Treason! Treason!” However, despite intrusion, Henry continued in the face of these hecklers. “George the Third, may profit by their example. If this be treason, make the most of it!”
We should all aspire to have 1/10 of Henry’s courage, vocabulary, and oratory skill. He is the Lion of the American Revolution, and all of us need to roar at Congress, Biden, and the real powers that be, “International Bankers,” like Henry did with absolute courage to Geogre III.
What total incompetence, “I don’t know”…a damn thing, traitor!
Why is it all the powers that be, are always loose and never held accountable; no fear of repricussions and justice. That’s gotta change. There wouldn’t be a montage of”I don’t know”. That’s unacceptable. Just answer u don’t know or u can’t say, and it’ll stop and go away. Reap what you sow, and soon the harvest will arrive.
So they ask questions and accepted the lies told. Is it not a crime to lie to Congress in investigations like this? Yet no arrests. Who do they think they are fooling? When treason is called treason and orders for arrest and a trail are held, then I will believe it is more than a ploy to get fools to give them money and votes.
Cruz is just another dirt bag sellout, loyal to the state, playing his part.
They’re Coming For You! Biden Forms Domestic Terrorism Unit & Simultaneously Does Round-Up Rehearsal You will submit or suffer the consequences.
“Do you need anymore evidence that the Department of Justice and FBI are complicit in the coup?” David, you left off a couple fedgov parts, like the Senate, the House and on and on. They are not going to give up their powers. Period. It must be removed by force. Reminds me of the Mel Gibson movie Patriot. “Soon”.
They’re Coming For You! Biden Forms Domestic Terrorism Unit & Simultaneously Does Round-Up Rehearsal
Who is in charge of the bureaucracy , the fbi, how did we get here when they don’t even answer a question from senators and they laugh it off. The problem
is we can no longer tell the two sides of the coin, they have merged and become one, and duped an already dumbed down drug infested moronic public who will believe anything the psychopathic white and negro media reports on. There is no peaceful solution to this problem any longer , it’s to far gone. Only a massive civil
War is what’s left.