How much would you tolerate?

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Dr. Lon Schultz
Dr. Lon Schultz
4 years ago

We all just need to leave stool sample, fuck them!

John Toothman
John Toothman
4 years ago

Yea, I don’t think so.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

93.1 ” Passing gas is now a “super spreader event.”
You have to laugh people.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

Did anyone watch the hour long interview between Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones?
Q followers should take note? How did ya like what dear alex has to say?
Over the years i have been thinking about this group: Anonomous, we are legion. Several times i have wondered could this group be a part or party behind Q and the “anons” .
Q and the anons? Because they are separate!
No answers from me just questions and things to consider. 
“we are legion” Spooky? There are a lot of Borg out there, many catch phrases, be careful.
This is what the Atlantic had to say in August of 2020- Anonymous had been a network of thousands of activists, a minority of them hackers, devoted to leftist-libertarian ideals of personal freedom and opposed to the consolidation of corporate and government power.
“Leftist libertarian ideals? Is that not how the very leftist we are at war with tossed libertarians under the bus just recently?
This is what wikepedia has to say-
QAnon -- › wiki › QAnon
QAnon is a disproven and discredited far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles is running a global …
Far right? Left ? someone must be wrong? Chuckle, Chukle chukle….
Now any discering mind in looking into Q can see that ‘they’ are not “Qanon.” It is Q the followers are themselves and are called and go by anons, ? ? because they believe they are anynomous? In this world?
Just a few thoughts