How North Carolina Legislators Maneuver and Manipulate Our Future

From Publius Huldah:

On Wednesday March 31, in a highly unusual move and with barely any public notice, the Convention of States (COS) application was moved to a different committee and scheduled for a sudden hearing.

The North Carolina House leadership continues to use surprise as a tactic to push through controversial legislation before the opposition can get to the hearing to protest. And if our side manages to show up, we’re allotted one or two minutes at best. This time, 45 seconds up to one minute was allowed! Unsurprisingly, COS passed committee.  

Here is the Article V convention application (A5C) in the North Carolina House: 

H233 (COS) – pending in the House Rules, Calendar, and Operations Committee. It can be scheduled and rushed to the House floor for debate and vote at any time beginning Monday April 5 @ 10:00 am (EDT). We suggest you make your letters short. If House members are interested in researching further, refer them to an attachment or link for an article, flyer, video, etc. They may be more apt to read them. 

Lately, Mark Meckler, COS President, Chief Salesman, and Lobbyist, has repeated his go-to war on semantics using NEWSPEAK to redefine words. Ignoring facts to the contrary, Meckler insists that a convention called under Article V is a “convention of states,” not a “constitutional convention.” And he defines the former as a convention controlled from start to finish by State Legislatures.  In addition, COS insists they’re asking for a “limited” convention, when just one of their subjects, “limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government” is what our Constitution is all about.

In this VIDEO , 

COS Staff Counsel (and now General Counsel) Robert Kelly admits in a debate that the COS application covers “amending” the bulk of the Constitution! COS continually showcases unreliable and misleading statistics to convince legislators that their constituents are demanding a “convention of states.”

Democrats might be interested in this  Information from Common Cause showing the dangers of an Article V convention:   If legislators don’t hear from us on the A5C issue, they remain uneducated and go along with the special interests.Let’s go get ’em!  First, please leave a short message for the following Representatives (i.e. Defend our Constitution!) and ask them NOT to bring up H233 for a floor vote. These are office numbers: 

Speaker Tim Moore919-733-3451
Speaker Pro Tempore Sarah Stevens919-715-1883
Majority Leader John Bell919-715-3017

 Now please write these 120 members of the North Carolina House, and ask them to  VOTE “No” onH233 and any other applications asking Congress to call an Article V convention:   

Copy the addresses below as a blockinto “BCC,”& copy your own address into the “To” box; and place thebill # and description(i.e. H233 – Art. V convention) on the subject line.House Republicans (69) – Dear Representative: (If you’re a Republican or conservative, tell the Republicans so!)


House Democrats (51) – Dear Representative:


Thank you for defending our Constitution!

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Pat Henry
Pat Henry
3 years ago

Would any Patriot deny there should be a Convention of Conservative States to make common cause in reviving The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798-99?
Not amendments to the Constitution but clear nullification of those acts passed by Congress, Biden’s Executive orders which have violated the Constitutional authority it holds. All states representatives welcomed, no legislatures approval. Just delegates sent. Could be chosen in townhall meetings per precinct? a convention of states to secede? Secession conventions by passed the legislatures.
Texas joined by those such as Arizona and New Mexico whose borders are overrun and Georgia for standing strong for voter integrity.
might be our last peaceful spring before the storm. Like 160 years nearly to the day, certainly the month.