How ‘preppers’ are gearing up for a US default

As the U.S. government shutdown deepens, and politicians and business leaders become increasingly worried by the prospect of U.S. debt default, survivalists like E.J. “Skullcrusher” Snyder aren’t daunted.

“I always think in terms of apocalyptic events,” said Snyder. “I’m ready to go.”

Snyder, who picked up his cranium-crunching nickname during a 25-year military career, is a survival instructor who works under contract for the U.S. Army, as well as a frequent contestant on TV survival shows. He is just one of many Americans who are preparing for the worst outcomes in the event of a government debt meltdown—and driving a market for survival products and services in the process.

“If you think of it in the worst terms, a whole collapse of the government and the normal things in life that we take for granted, what are you prepared to do?” said Snyder. “People who are used to foraging, or hunting, or trapping, or purifying water are going to move higher up the food chain.”



This is the kind of rhetoric that is being used to divide communities and the countries. Read the comments at the end of the above article from CNBC to see a cross-section of how people reacted.

David DeGerolamo

h/t Jim N

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