A black man who was ineligible to run for the office of the United States Presidency is “elected”. He was “selected” in his reelection. His appointed judge in Washington, D.C. who was born in India sentences a patriot to 18 years in prison for trying to restore the Republic. Stewart Rhodes was correct: he should have brought firearms. He will be paying a high price for yet another FBI setup.
From AP:
Before announcing Rhodes’ sentence, U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta described a defiant Rhodes as a continued threat to the United States and democracy. The judge expressed fear that what happened on Jan. 6 could be repeated, saying Americans will “now hold our collective breaths every time an election is approaching.”
If the judge had any knowledge of the founding of our Republic, he would know that Democracy is the antithesis of the foundation of our nation. What he actually stated is that the founding fathers were a threat to the United States since the overthrow of the Republic in the 2020 election usurpation.
As more of the government’s malfaisance is uncovered, the more desperate they will become. I believe that they will physically come for people who spoke out against tyranny and supported our founding principles. Come to terms with what that means because you will not have much time to decide when they come to your door.
David DeGerolamo
Anger will prob propel us to action. I intend to stay mad.
Rhodes is a threat to their democracy as am I, we both support our constitutional Republic, as do most on this site. They will eventually have to come for us as well!
Anger won’t last and it will turn your colon purple and acidic (I have this t-shirt:)) eventually resulting in IBS. Better to stay cold, determined, and strategic.
Put everything you own in a Trust with a Pour Over Will and two levels of trustees. Get life insurance from a solid company (due diligence required here because the C19 death wave is taking out a lot of them). Put patriots who will carry on the fight as your beneficiaries -- so that way your death will dump a bunch of money into the fight back… so, it smarter to leave you alone.
Find the attorneys and legal aid orgs in your area that you might need -- now, BEFORE you have an issue. How many times have you seen someone in the fight back have to change their attorney in mid-stream?
Get to know your sheriff. When the bailiff escorts the person to jail, the bailiff works for the sheriff. The sheriff can instruct the bailiff TO LET YOU OUT OF JAIL… and more and more sheriff’s are doing this.
Is your boss on board? Look for work with like minded supervisors and company owners… and let them know that you are a patriot and although you don’t think you will be retaliated against -- you are prepared… and do not want to let them down. If they are real patriots, they will help you if the worst happens.
Your home and pets. Make sure you have a network that will take care of your home and pets if you get arrested. Keep money stashed in the house for them to do this. Your estate atty and trust will take care of everything if you are killed.
If you are old or doing something really risky, put a trusted friend or relative on your bank accounts who preferably would already be a Trustee on your trust.
Make a small binder to carry with you that has everyone’s phone numbers, e-mails, etc., that you will need if anything happens. Do not trust your smart phone or flip phone. They can be downloaded and wiped by satellite and they run on batteries you might not be able to charge.
At the Rogue Food Conference 2023, they asked the farmers the question,”How rogue are you?” Every one of us needs to get ready for anything and be the hardest target possible. A couple of weeks ago, cabalist John Kerry said “seizing farms is not out of the question.” I don’t know what the context was, but this is where your sheriff is REALLY IMPORTANT.
I put my property in a trust thirty years ago, after a medical disaster. The only problem has been reliable trustees. Try not to be the trustee if you were the grantor.
My only concern about your important names, emails and numbers small binder is IF you happen to fall or get taken, who are you betraying to the captors?
No electronics, no notes, nobody you’ve not know in person for decades and NO Bragging online that “I’ma going to do…”
The 3 “S”‘s don’t have bragging on an open channel like this blog.
25 years ago, the Irish time ‘O Troubles officially came to an end. That was after some 30 years of brutal actions on both sides.
I wonder how those old fellows would judge the patriot chatter in America?
I am 100% committed to their deaths as they are to mine, I live in a small NW Az town that voted three to one for Kari Lake. We also have a constitutional Sheriff and a lot of retired military living here. So far I am still waiting for the knock, knock I am ready willing and able to answer that knock, knock.
knock, knock….pew, pew, pew!
Real simple Kal, nothing complicated about my response.
any dumping of illegals in your area? Been seeing lots of peruvians, ecuadorians, and far east muslims
I haven’t noticed any yet, even the local police are on top of homeless camps, they move them. Keeping my eyes open to invaders.
The 20+m “enemies of the Republic” WILL be removed from American society; and in the most violent way imaginable. A FACT that is undebatable. And when the rest of Americans (the ones who didn’t bother to stand and fight for their freedom) are celebrating in the streets; high fivin’ and sucking each other’s d#cks; let it be known; we’re coming after you next. You have no right to anything you refused to fight for. Only then will this Great Republic be restored to its original glory.
They don’t know how many we are….
David -- you said: “…the founding fathers were a threat to the United States since the overthrow of the Republic in the 2020 election…”
I would restate that: The founding fathers committed treason against the liberty of the people of these united States when they participated in the coup called the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
(tongue in cheek … I realize you were just quoting your source)
Many of the founding fathers were not there and those that were walked out of that coup. Those that stayed and voted for it betrayed the principals those founders risked their lives, fortunes and sacred honor for.
Many of us in rural America are ready to stand and fight. Don’t come groveling to me if you haven’t done at least some preparation. Received more ammo last weekend, so I am still preparing. Stand and fight, live or die.
The author and our host are correct.
Say we make it to the next pres election…. potatoe joe vs whomever. How are they going to pretend he won, again?
The fraud was so obvious last time you could see it from.the moon! Since then the country is wrecked, nothing works, and its fags, fags, fags as far as you can see.
Nobody is going to vote for this guy, but they’ll install him again.
Then what?
The next jan 6th will be heavily armed. Very heavily. They know this….
So. Who will bell the cat? Asking for a friend.
Seditious Conspiracy is the pot calling the kettle black. It also is the charge the DC Ferals will levy on President Trump. Then What??? Sure puts a hole in that voting thingy, As Intended. I used to want to salvage the USA, but since BC Before the Coup it was evident that you,me,we were already in the USSA. It can just go to hell as far as I care.
“Democracy is nothing more than mob rule”
Thomas Jefferson
This was done to send a message to the rest of us. If you dare challenge us again this will be you. Its actually a sign of how scared they are. They saw the size of the crowd that day. It terrifies them. Never forget how many were there. We by far are the majority ruled by a pathetic perverted criminal minority. Never forget!!
Many thumbs up. You are spot on.
If that crowd had been armed, this could have all been over before it started.
Great post grif.
Spot on Grif, but also remember the socialists are past masters at divide and suppress.
That’s how they prevent any real leadership to come out.
That’s how they keep folks feeling demoralized and thus immobile in the preparatory actions needed for real resistance to their rule.
Logistics, Logistics, Logistics. 3 days without water for example your battle rattle is someone elses to take.
Please see my Catherine Austin Fitts quote I typed out in Southern Prepper1’s water post.
What did Rothschild say about controlling a nation’s money supply?
“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws” — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild
Then add the leftists LAWFARE as they re-write and re-define our laws.
Media, police state and bankers support the Uni-Party. That’s a real problem.
Agree they are indeed. The Gop is the defeat mechanism of the left. Read stephen coughlin at https://unconstrainedanalytics.org/
Well said in the cathedral scene in The Untouchables. “What are you prepared to do?” “Everything within the law.” “Then what are you prepared to do?”
The judge is a threat to the republic as are every member of the ruling body of criminals in the senate and house, and white house. It carries down to Soro’s bought off judges and state’s attorney generals and prosecutors (more likely, persecutors.) Along with the weaponized DOinJ and the Following Bidums’ Instructions. All these are the true threat to the republic, and folks they are winning.
Rhode’s family needs to invent a recipe for Tika Mehta Masala.
Friday in Chicago. The start of the holiday weekend. North Avenue beach. A crowd of “urban teens” began to fight. Then a burst of full auto from a Glock 17 with the drop-in full auto part. And he missed! No one shot. But the Park District pickup truck got some holes.
henrymakow.com -- Exposing Feminism and The New World Order Normalizing deviant behavior.
I’ve already decided. And always have a clean, loaded rifle ready.
One day that judge will be dragged into the street and hung fromthe nearest lampost.