How the feds will control you by controlling your finances

By Glenn Guest

At this moment powerful forces are constructing an economic system that will destroy our way of life and our God-given liberties. Once the architects of this economic system have completed and implemented their digital control system, they will rule over us in what can only be described as absolute despotism.

Even as you read this, they are working hammer and tongs forging the chains and shackles of your bondage, not of iron or steel, but of electronic ones and zeros that will form a digital currency. The global digital currency they are creating will result in the elimination of cash, with digital currency being the only one accepted in the new world economic order. This digital currency will be the mechanism by which they will control your finances and the finances of every person on earth – and by controlling your finances they will control you.

In March of 2022, Joe Biden issued Executive Order 14067 in which he ordered the federal government to begin the process of creating an electronic digital currency called “Central Bank Digital Currency,” or “CBDC.” In some White House documents this new electronic currency is referred to as “digital dollars.”


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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Watching this video reminded me of another Pink Floyd song from 1975.
To endure what is coming. i believe we need to get our minds and hearts focused, and aligned with His Word. Not hardened as some have been campaigning for some time now.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Eyrie up It cannot continue much longer can it?

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Was unaware there was a Star rating vote??

Where do you vote for a star rating?

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I have noticed recently and did comment about the trolls giving negative thumbs down to many patriots on this site for the last 3-4 weeks against great articles and news items. I did comment they need to make themselves known to us users of this site of what their intentions are so we can have spirited debate with them. But as I suspect they are most likely government operatives working for the federal LEO’S snooping around on sites looking for ghosts that are not there as they report back to their dead-beat Marxist superiors on how to shut down good and honest debate.

Last edited 1 year ago by Phil
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

i usually counteract the negative vote. This has been going on for some time.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

or perhaps some one such as myself did not understand how the game is played.
i gave it one star. i did not understand i could give it more. i thought the votes were accumulative.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Worse than buying or selling, but we will be unable to barter or trade. Buy junk silver or gold, You can also use your hands to make things for trade. And keep preparing for an unknown future. Don’t forget to pray every evening.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
1 year ago

This “presidency” seems to be longer than any I’ve ever lived thru. As if there is no end to this toilet bug in the WH. Treason, corruption and stupidity heavily impact a people.

Ben Dover
Ben Dover
1 year ago

Millions of businesses will not adapt. And fail.