Just for the record, here is the secret memo that Tony Fauci sent to world leaders clearly explaining the Ground Rules of the pandemic response. Revealed here for the first time.
This is just my educated guess on what Fauci probably told world leaders about how to deal with the COVID pandemic. A lot of people have told me this is the best piece I’ve ever written.
To: World leaders
From: Tony Fauci
Subject: Ground rules for the health and safety of the world
- NEVER allow a proper autopsy by people who are capable of making a vaccine determination. If an autopsy can’t be avoided, make sure the coroner is understaffed, lacks the proper skills and tests, and doesn’t have the time to do it right. Also, offer to pay for the funeral expenses if they skip the autopsy. This usually works. Whatever you do, make sure nobody reads this guide for how to perform an effective autopsy.
- Never allow anyone to do an analysis on what is in the vials. In the rare event an analysis happens, we have your back. We’ll claim that the people who did the analysis are anti-vaxxers who stole government property and deliberately contaminated the vials before they were analyzed. We’ve got all the bases covered.
- Ensure that the drug companies have complete immunity from prosecution. Otherwise, we’re totally screwed. Congress is in our pocket on this. We forced them to provide immunity back in the 1980’s. There were only four manufacturers then, and we all illegally colluded to ensure that unless Congress agreed to our ridiculous demand, we wouldn’t make any more vaccines.
- Label anyone who opposes us as “anti-science.” This works really well. Even Senator Johnson doesn’t like this.
- Make sure that the vaccine injury program (the CICP) never pays a dime to COVID vaccine victims. Even paying out a dime would be an acknowledgment that the vaccines aren’t safe. That would cause vaccine hesitancy. We cannot have that.
- Mandate the vaccines for everyone (except Congress and the Supreme Court). Give it to them right after birth. We don’t want to have a control group here that isn’t dying. If people make that comparison we’re screwed. This is why we nixed the placebo group in all the clinical trials, so nobody would ever find out how unsafe these vaccines are. Having a member of Congress or the Supreme Court die on us will look bad. We can still call it “unrelated” if it happens.
- In the event of disabilities that happen during the clinical trials, change the symptom when writing the study report for the FDA. So “permanent paralysis” —> “mild abdominal pain.” Trust me, this works. Maddie de Garay, is our poster child. The press is never going to cover her injury because we told them not to. We can do fraud in plain sight and nobody catches us on this, it is so well controlled. It’s unbelievable how well we have this nailed down.
- If someone dies from the vaccine during a vaccine clinical trial, do not panic. Simply write up in the report that the death “isn’t related to the vaccine.” The FDA won’t ask you how you determined that. Anyone who asks stupid questions like that will be fired from the FDA.
- There are going to be more all-cause death reports in the vaccine group than the placebo group, like nearly 25% more (as in the Pfizer trial), but don’t worry. This is because the vaccines are super deadly, duh. However, by 1) choosing very healthy cohorts and 2) limiting the size of the cohorts, we can claim that the difference in deaths is “not statistically significant.” This fools all the “real” scientists. They will say, “oh that makes sense” and not dig deeper. It works every time. Critical thinkers like Chris Martenson don’t matter because they don’t have a big enough following to matter. And we de-platformed Bret Weinstein so he’s not going to bring Robert Malone on his show ever again.
- The medical community is never going to check your work if you work at the CDC. They are brainwashed from Day 1 in medical school to always trust the medical authorities. We basically turn them into sheep and remove their critical thinking skills. And medicine is so complicated that they have to trust us because they don’t have the time, skills, or tools to do shit like actually look at the VAERS database. This is how our loyal staffers, like John Su, are able to get away with making presentations of the VAERS data without even mentioning the under-reporting factor. Nobody even asks him about the URF.
Excellent article Wes, you nailed it thank you.
The new mayor of the communist state of New York will be following the same psychological operation as the old mayor. Since NY is dead broke, the leaders must adhere to federal guidelines to get funding. The people there are now under severe oppression, scared, and constantly get viral nose tests all day long. Please look up Manchausen Syndrome and Stockholm Syndrome to understand the psyop.
Definitely worth saving and sharing.
The medical community now is all single source. PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES!own medical education, insurance, research, and every ‘oversight ‘ agency on earth! There is simply no way to restore integrity without a terrible purge . I really hate what I just said.
Truth is the best way, why mince words, let your yes mean yes and your no mean no.