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I listened to this video the other day, I personally think he is wrong, just because we have not started to fight back yet, does not mean we will lose the battle. I am 100% committed to their death, where they will rule in everlasting HELL. The sodomites, antifa, blm, fbi, dhs, irs and the rest of the satanist regime are in for a big surprise, once this kicks off, I believe we will coalesce, and wipe them off the face of the earth.
i believe you are wrong. And we do not control the gates of hell. When has man ever wiped evil off of the face of the earth?
Read the Old Testament, when evil was corrupting his people, he told them to kill every man, woman and child, and when they did not obey, they suffered judgement. I did not say we control the gates of hell. What about my spelling and punctuation?
Evil is a man asking a pregnant woman to have an abortion, or anyone else who asks her to, as one example. The problem with conservatives at large, is that they tend to only want to act when there are big, overarching widespread problems, or blaring social ills, yet they often seem to have no understanding as to what leads to these things, or how to root it out before it becomes extreme. Why would ‘you’ be willing to act against adversarial political groups, but allow men (as in why don’t men steward other men?) to ask and coerce a woman into getting an abortion, or doctors, bosses and so forth? Perhaps it’s the excitement about being able to participate in a ‘battle’, as there’s no culture for men, how else might they expel this type of energy? Possibly the aforementioned issues are the ones you feel compelled to act upon? It seems that part of the problem overall is that there’s too much mingling between the progressive satanic policy movers and shakers and the submissive (by inculcation) order-followers within many of the churches as institutions. This could have been avoided if the non-satanic side built culture, but they refuse. These battles will only continue and get more extreme without decisive cultural restructuring.
I agree with you Tom, It’s the duty of a father to defend his family and friends no matter what the situation is. If he believes it’s a forgone conclusion, then he is in violation of the word of God and shrieking his responsibilities if he is a man of God. God tells us not be afraid of their ugly looking faces and detestable words they use against us on a daily basis. Rebuke them in season and out of season.
I think the left seriously underestimates the right.
Just because we believe in law and order and do not partake in violent riots and chaotic destruction while calling it ‘peaceful protests’ does not mean that we will just lay down our arms and ‘go quietly into the night’. Push us into a corner and we will come out fighting fiercely.
Sleeping giant!!
^^^^^^What “Lawnmore” said.^^^^^^
The political right has already lost the civil cultural, economic, educational, workplace environment, manufacturing, medicinal, gender, political, non-GMO food, safe water, civic, religious, scientific, technological, governmental, as pertains to much of the legal systems, and constitutionally, as well as regards instilling practical life skill-sets, and the decades-long permitting of abortion (their personhood and rights is included in the founding documents) is stultifying, as well as losing most other pertaining wars. If they continue to not build culture, shape minds, influences and trends in a responsible manner, then they need to stop expecting to have a cohesive culture, and the complaining is becoming redundant, as they largely brought this on themselves.
Lost the civil war wes. We have lived our entire lives in occupied amerika
occupied world.
Rex did a follow up.
A man is a male human that follows Jahovas law and recognizes that Jahova is who he submits to and teaches his family to do the same. Doesn’t throw off his God given masculinity but embraces it to do his part in raising his family and though his wife submits to her husband he allows her feminine qualities to do their God given part to complete God’s family unit.