Here is the roll call for S. 365 to increase the federal debt ceiling. Senators who voted for our future instead of supporting a continued death spiral are in red. Even though congressmen, president and vice president vilify patriots for exposing the corruption, incompetence and greed inside the Beltway, they have now been exposed based on their votes. America has paid a steep price today as honor was replaced by vain and aspiring men. We also are paying a steep price in wealth as the stock market responded as it should respond to fiscal malfeasance.
Once again both North Carolina senators voted to support this measure and both South Carolina senators stood up for freedom.
David DeGerolamo
Alphabetical by Senator Name for Senate Vote on S. 365
Akaka (D-HI), YeaAlexander (R-TN), YeaAyotte (R-NH), NayBarrasso (R-WY), YeaBaucus (D-MT), YeaBegich (D-AK), YeaBennet (D-CO), YeaBingaman (D-NM), YeaBlumenthal (D-CT), YeaBlunt (R-MO), YeaBoozman (R-AR), YeaBoxer (D-CA), YeaBrown (D-OH), YeaBrown (R-MA), YeaBurr (R-NC), YeaCantwell (D-WA), YeaCardin (D-MD), YeaCarper (D-DE), YeaCasey (D-PA), YeaChambliss (R-GA), NayCoats (R-IN), NayCoburn (R-OK), NayCochran (R-MS), YeaCollins (R-ME), YeaConrad (D-ND), YeaCoons (D-DE), YeaCorker (R-TN), YeaCornyn (R-TX), YeaCrapo (R-ID), YeaDeMint (R-SC), NayDurbin (D-IL), YeaEnzi (R-WY), YeaFeinstein (D-CA), YeaFranken (D-MN), Yea |
Gillibrand (D-NY), NayGraham (R-SC), NayGrassley (R-IA), NayHagan (D-NC), YeaHarkin (D-IA), NayHatch (R-UT), NayHeller (R-NV), NayHoeven (R-ND), YeaHutchison (R-TX), YeaInhofe (R-OK), NayInouye (D-HI), YeaIsakson (R-GA), YeaJohanns (R-NE), YeaJohnson (D-SD), YeaJohnson (R-WI), NayKerry (D-MA), YeaKirk (R-IL), YeaKlobuchar (D-MN), YeaKohl (D-WI), YeaKyl (R-AZ), YeaLandrieu (D-LA), YeaLautenberg (D-NJ), NayLeahy (D-VT), YeaLee (R-UT), NayLevin (D-MI), YeaLieberman (ID-CT), YeaLugar (R-IN), YeaManchin (D-WV), YeaMcCain (R-AZ), YeaMcCaskill (D-MO), YeaMcConnell (R-KY), YeaMenendez (D-NJ), NayMerkley (D-OR), NayMikulski (D-MD), Yea |
Moran (R-KS), NayMurkowski (R-AK), YeaMurray (D-WA), YeaNelson (D-FL), YeaNelson (D-NE), NayPaul (R-KY), NayPortman (R-OH), YeaPryor (D-AR), YeaReed (D-RI), YeaReid (D-NV), YeaRisch (R-ID), YeaRoberts (R-KS), YeaRockefeller (D-WV), YeaRubio (R-FL), NaySanders (I-VT), NaySchumer (D-NY), YeaSessions (R-AL), NayShaheen (D-NH), YeaShelby (R-AL), NaySnowe (R-ME), YeaStabenow (D-MI), YeaTester (D-MT), YeaThune (R-SD), YeaToomey (R-PA), NayUdall (D-CO), YeaUdall (D-NM), YeaVitter (R-LA), NayWarner (D-VA), YeaWebb (D-VA), YeaWhitehouse (D-RI), YeaWicker (R-MS), YeaWyden (D-OR), Yea |
I counted 26 nay votes, all Patriots. We have some work to do.