Fire cloth is another excellent tinder option (similar to cottonballs and vaseline). The advantage of fire cloth is it is very flat and can be easily added to any EDC (Every-Day Carry) kit.
Fire cloth is another excellent tinder option (similar to cottonballs and vaseline). The advantage of fire cloth is it is very flat and can be easily added to any EDC (Every-Day Carry) kit.
This is nice for use in cooler weather, when that wax does not melt an your patched all glob together. I have found that char cloths are much more effective and advantageous to carry than wax based cloths.
Wax based melts when it is carried in warm weather, and also is not easy to light with ferrous rods/flint or mg lighters, for the reasons that are stated in this vid. No “fiber” is externally exposed to ignite, so you must have lint or something dry to set that spark into action.
To make char cloth:
use a clean altoids can, drill a small center hole in the top lid only.
Cut swatches of nubby cotton wash cloth or bath towels into rectangles to fit the dimensions of the can, stack them one on top of the other. Close the lid.
On your bbq pit, fireplace, wood stove, or campfire, lay the can in the wood charcoal ashes. Leave it there for 5 to 7 minutes. You will see smoke venting out the hole of the can while the cloth is converting into char cloth.
Use pliers to remove the hot can and allow it to cool, now open it up and unlayer the cloth to check that all the layers underneath are charred black. If, not, flip them to the outer surfaces, and put them back into the coal for another 2 minutes.
these can be removed and bagged up to carry in your pocket or ruck, or just bag up the whole can and take it with you.
These light very easily with sparks igniting them from ferrous/mg rods for fire starting.