How To Protect Yourself From Long Term Pandemic Lockdown – Step 5

I have always been impressed by Brandon Smith’s writing on alt-market. The article linked on another NCRenegade post lists five steps to prepare for the future. All steps are important but I want to discuss step 5:

Step 5: Be Ready To Fight And Die For What You Believe In

People always talk about fighting for freedom, but the question is will they actually do it when faced with overwhelming odds? I can only speak for myself, and I will fight, but I do believe that many others out there are ready and willing to do the same.  That said, it really does not matter. It’s not for us to defend ourselves only if we think we have backup. Be ready to fight alone if you have to; be ready to take risks, otherwise, you have no chance of winning, and thus the people collectively have no chance of winning. If others follow your lead, then so be it, but don’t rely on it.

There are many transgressions about to be foisted on the American people well beyond what we have already witnessed. You will know when the line in the sand has been crossed. Do not be surprised if in the next 3-6 months you hear the words “shots fired”. It is not enough to be prepped for the future. It is not enough to simply survive. The world as we know it is being sabotaged for the sake of power. Not money, but POWER. The elites will not be satisfied with anything less than total control. We cannot let them have it.

We can make a better future IF we are willing to fight for our principles. Fighting is not talking or being a keyboard commando. It is actually standing firm with your firearm in hand with the clear intent that you will not retreat. I will not be surprised if we do not hear “shots fired” before his 3-6 month time frame. Whatever the actual timing for the next shot heard around the world, I suggest you get your minds clear, your body in shape and your affairs in order.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

Step 5: Be Ready To Fight And Kill (and if need be Die) For What You Believe In


4 years ago

I’m ready for that !!!