How to Quickly Dismantle the Deep State

The Deep State government is massive. Here is an attempt from Grok to quantify their number:


In summary, while there’s no precise number, the concept of the Deep State as discussed in various contexts could refer to anything from a few hundred key decision-makers to millions if including all government employees, depending on how broadly or narrowly one defines it. The term often serves more as a critique of bureaucratic influence rather than a countable entity.


So how can we neutralize the greatest threat to our Liberty?

From the Rules for Radicals:

Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It, and Polarize It: Identify a single enemy to focus on, making them the face of the issue.


In this case, pick one major target and prosecute the case to prove their guilt. I suggest General Milley based on his collusion concerning China.



Can you give me the quote from Gen. Milley concerning warning China about any actions from President Trump without informing the commander in chief?


Gen. Mark Milley, in discussing his communications with his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Li Zuocheng, provided a direct quote during one of these interactions. Although there might be multiple quotes or paraphrases, one notable direct quote from Milley to Gen. Li was:

“General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable and everything is going to be okay.”

This statement was part of Milley’s effort to reassure China about the stability of the U.S. government and its intentions during a politically tumultuous period, emphasizing that no attack was planned by the U.S. against China. However, this communication and its context, especially regarding not informing the Commander in Chief (President Trump) directly, has been a point of contention and discussion, reflecting on the bounds of military autonomy in international relations.


If the trial is conducted under a military tribunal, the verdict will be found in an expedited time frame compared to our “judicial system”. If he is found guilty, punish him to the fullest extent of the law. While this process is being conducted, make it known that next group to be held accountable will consist of the 51 people (unless they leave the country) who released a statement suggesting that the Hunter Biden laptop story might be Russian disinformation:

  • Career Intelligence Professionals: Many of these individuals had served in high-ranking positions within various intelligence agencies. Key agencies they were associated with include:
    • CIA: Some had served as Acting Director, Deputy Director, or in other senior analytical roles at the Central Intelligence Agency.
    • DNI: Others had experience at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, including roles like Director of National Intelligence.
    • Other Agencies: There were officials from other intelligence-related roles, possibly including FBI, NSA, or military intelligence, though specifics on their backgrounds from these agencies might not be as detailed in public records.


That false statement impacted the 2020 Presidential election which gave us an illegal regime and its associated consequences. Once people understand that they will be held accountable unless they leave the country, they will execute their Plan Bs and go. This prosecution will include all branches of government, military, media, business leaders and “social influencers”.

I do not like the idea of not prosecuting people for their crimes. However, this will allow the country to quickly eviscerate the Deep State at a lower cost. It also will allow the country to heal and grow into the moral country as we were meant to be.

David DeGerolamo

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2 hours ago

I am sorry you do not like the idea of prosecuting people for their crimes. As a 30+ year Peace Officer, I believe it is the only way justice can be served in a Constitutional Republic. Public exposure, testimony under oath, written records open to scrutiny by journalists and historians put to rest once and for all the defendant’s guilt or innocence.
In the case of Milley, I would argue he committed treason, and we all know what the penalty for treason entails. There are plenty of other Deep State actors who need to be publicly tried for the same crime. In addition to public trials, however, the mass overhaul of the FEDGOV bureaucracy needs to begin at once, should Mr. Trump take office in January 2025.The Tenth Amendment clearly defines what are the powers of the FEDGOV. All other powers belong to the states. Bleib ubrig.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 hours ago

When I started hearing parallels to Skitler I first though Pshaw!!! Then I started noticing, they are creating the same circumstances as Weimar, ergo this is the natural progression. He’s a symptom, not a cause.

tom finley
tom finley
1 hour ago

No lengthy investigations, there crimes are all on record and most of them have committed treason. As DTW stated what is the penalty for treason death, let us keep it simple do what needs to be done, no wishy washy chit.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
21 seconds ago
Reply to  tom finley

the tree of liberty needs to be refreshed, PUBLICLY hang these bastards ASAP. Let them swing until they rot.

Diva of Dance
Diva of Dance
1 hour ago

Without justice, when law breakers suffer the consequences of their actions, there is no freedom nor is there safety. We all know the Deep State is setting a trap for all of us who are impatient to see justice done. They are set to infiltrate demonstrating gatherings with their own riot actors. But timing is essential for success so “what if they threw a war and no one came?” I suggest that we, the silent majority, conduct ourselves like the character in the film The Equalizer. Calm, quiet, observant, and righteous. From Nov 5th through to January 20th the only ones demonstrating in riots and causing chaos will be the communist infiltrators. Let’s give President Trump and all patriots a chance to convince the Deep State that they have lost. As for me, the sound of patriots marching in step relentlessly, quietly, to a single bass drum pounding repeatedly every 3 seconds immediately gets my respect and fear. It’s a death knell—AN INDICATION OF THE END OR THE FAILURE OF SOMETHING.