How We Survive the Gathering Storm

h/t Matt Bracken

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4 years ago

Am very surprised this has not been taken down.

Send around before the Ghodz Of Ghuu-Gull get active against this truth.

Dr. Lon Schultz
Dr. Lon Schultz
4 years ago

Probably the only solution, sad but true. If Trump wins we need to encourage the unhappy Democratic states to secede. If he doesn’t we will probably need to fight for our freedom and very lives.

4 years ago

Was Segregation, Seperate and really Equal, correct? Integration a Judicial Fiat, without popular consent even from Blacks.
BUT, this isn’t the Only Way Out, imo.
I have friendly Black Associates at work, but Seperate social lives, I don’t socialize with Whites from work either!
Relationships are Individual, Liberty is Person to Person.
Communists are the Masses, Mobs, Races, never Individual’s.
I love Liberty and Freedom under a Constitutional Republic. Race is not an all inclusive measure of a person.
Don’t get played by the hidden 3rd Party fomenting our division. The only winner from the dissolution of the USA is the NWO.
I only hope it’s not too late, it might be.

Dr. Lon Schultz
Dr. Lon Schultz
4 years ago

To be sure the NWO and TPTB are behind this, none the less when the antifa mobs come around, they need to be stopped! Call our police if they will come. Here in NW Arkansas I am sure they will come, as in other fly over states.

4 years ago

You might like my just-posted piece:

Candace, Candace, Candace… The USS Reconciliation sailed a long time ago

Among many questions -- as I am 100% sure I will need to relocate -- is how to keep the Left from sending infiltrators along with other people. Because you know they will.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago

Thanks for the link . Shalom

4 years ago

You are welcome.

My father’s line came here with the Pilgrims. In that line I have two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors -- two others are there but await definitive confirmation documentation-wise. I pray I will be as brave as they were in the coming “spicy time”.

And I have another post going up today… hopefully check it out.