How We Win

Ayn Rand Quote: "I swear, by my life and my love of it ...

I want to outline a scenario:

Imagine that you are a military commander who has been sent to a third world country where corruption and greed are in complete control of the government. Your mission is to remove a competing faction whose intent will have a strong negative impact on the United States.

Within a short period of time, the leader of the country (not the competing faction) contacts you for a meeting. Upon your arrival, the traditional niceties are observed and the leader states the real reason for your invitation. He wants you to work for him and he outlines all of the advantages for this new position. You will have power, an estate and $50 million dollars immediately deposited in a Swiss bank account. All you have to do is retire, give him advice on how to keep his enemies at bay and make the appropriate payouts to the United States to keep him in power.

What do you say?


The above scenario is a variation of ruling in Hell as opposed to serving in Heaven. While the offer may be tempting, people should consider the following:

  1. You will be giving up your honor and morality to serve under an evil government.
  2. Your life and security may be assured while the corrupt government is in power but…
  3. You would be living in a shithole country for the rest of your life.

For me the answer is simple. Now consider the same scenario but the offer (or blackmail) is made by officials in the government of the United States. I personally see no honor to serve in any capacity of the government of the United States. The country’s morality has been successfully marginalized in order to destroy our culture and religion. The security of the country and our lives has been degraded since the Biden administration took office but the reality is that the government, law enforcement and the judiciary have been working to destroy everyone and everything for their own glory for a much longer time.

But the final consideration should be self-evident: the government has turned the United States into a shithole country in less than one year. Is that what you want for your children?

So how do we win? We must apply the same logic answering the initial scenario to that of serving and participating in the current government of the United States. Once you understand that you will have more honor by not participating in this corrupt system, the fear of what will happen in the future under a tyrannical government is erased. Their hold on you is gone once you realize that there is nothing that they can offer you that is worth your participation. Go Galt, live your own life and prepare to fight for your freedom because no real man or woman wants to be remembered as a traitor or collaborator.

David DeGerolamo

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

I am essentially as Galt as I can be. The issue right now is cash flow or lack there of.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
3 years ago

So you hide away and do nothing and call it victory? No. That isn’t a win. A win is when your guys are in charge and get to decide what the nations future is.
Youc an do it after a collapse, after a war however it comes about but unless you or some other honorable folks are in charge, chaos wins. Sure the clowns might lose but that isn’t order, nation, or anything else. Its still chaos.
Its embracing failure on the front end and all it looks to me is there isn’t anything cares about enough to fight for it , to bleed for it or to die for it beyond maybe a couple of kids.
That’s fine, its honest and even has an integrity of its own but calling it “winning” is peeing on my shoes and calling it rain.
You want to break out of that mentality? Sit down with a pencil and paper, pick some facet of government and write down “how would I do it better.”
You do not get to choose the lazy options of private sector (its tainted) get rid of it or anything else. Its your job and Its a complex world . If you are in charge you will have a regulatory state.
So how and decide say how to clear the US of CRT or to make sure nothing like the COVID 19 release ever happens again or that some nut doesn’t decide to posion Chipotle’s salad bar or that a company doesn’t decide to pull and Facklers and flood the street with Oxy.
Its your job. You just have to learn to organize and to do better and leave a nation whehre at least 2 kids are born in wedlock per household.
If you can’t, maybe you can ride out the storm and the collapse but your posterity will inherit a ruin.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Atlas Shrugged is less reality based than Harry Potter.

3 years ago
Reply to  A.B. Prosper

And that reply negates any point you were trying to make.

3 years ago
Reply to  A.B. Prosper

“A win is when your guys are in charge and get to decide…”

NO! You’re just recreating the conditions from which the original settlers of this continent escaped … a Europe where “other guys” were in charge and decided their fate.

I don’t want “your guys” in charge any more than I want the current oligarchy in position to rule me.

Anarchy is NOT Chaos … just as War is NOT Peace, Freedom is NOT Slavery, and Ignorance is NOT Strength.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Hans

There is but one way, and our founding fathers at great cost secured it for us the 2nd amendment. The sooner we thrust the tip of our spear into the eye of the tyrant the better.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago
Reply to  A.B. Prosper

You missed the main point of the article. I would mention in addition to the excellent points made in David’s article that the federal leviathan cannot be reduced in size, nor can the republic be restored. You may believe that you and your guys can restore the republic and I wish you success, but, the reality is, the federal leviathan has grown so large that it’s size and scope has exceeded that of any nation in past history. The Convention of States that is being organized by the giant foundations George Soros, and the Kabbalist / Free Masons / Rockefeller’s / Rothschild’s and other communists organizations will kill-off the Constitution and what is left of the republic.
As long as the useful slaves (horse in Animal Farm) give away their lives for federal reserve fiat funny paper that is backed by nothing, then the federal reserve banks will continue to buy-up everything of value. The centralized federal leviathan and the federal reserve financial system lacks any moral premise. It is becoming apparent that federal leviathan is beginning to self destruct. The heads of all federal departments including the military are becoming desperate. They no longer control the narrative. The clot shot mandates taking place in all Nato countries is an act of desperation.
Every pull peddler, moocher and parasite in DC is stealing as much they can while they can because they know that the ship is sinking. In the not to distance future I would not be surprised to see the Kabbalist / Zionist dual passport jews in congress move to Israel because they have accomplished their goal of destroying America’s borders, culture, language, and identity. These Kabbalist / Zionist traitors will be received in Israel as heroes.
While this was happening most Americas were watching football and ignoring the dark forces that are destroying America.
Whats next? Act V Judgement. As Gerald Celente has stated “when people have lost everything, and they have nothing left to lose, they lose it.” When a father wakes up to the fact that his little daughter or son has just had a leg amputated because of the direct effect of the clot shot or his little daughter or son has just died due to the direct effect of the clot shot and he then realizes that Biden, Gates, Fauci, Trump, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, the CDC, and the WHO have all lied to him regarding the safety of the clot shot he will lose it. There is always judgement and Hell comes with it!
Who is John Galt?

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
3 years ago

I see where you are going what that but I have zero evidence for any such thing or any such men “waking up” in numbers. Certainly divine wrath ain’t coming as the All Mighty takes no interest in what we do down here until perhaps we die.
The kind of men who would do as you say and fight or kill have already avoided the shot anyway.
Given the fatalities and injuries I am already seeing reported I am not seeing a hell of lot of action in the US . Now sure the media wouldn’t report it but we all here anyway.,
Europe Godless Europe OTOH , mass mobilizations.
Now as to something Hans said, You are well meaning and I share that desire but let me tell you a story why you MUST tale charge and can’t opt out.
f you don’t the Left runs the media, schools. government, churches, charities and everything else just like they do now. if you get rid of State? So be it. They’ll take over your voluntary associations .
This is what happened to America BTW
Also a little story about the probably origin of COVID 19. Some years back in a wise decision President Obama made Gain of Function research illegal as it endangers everywhere
Now life scientists being like they, Faustian Lunatics all are decided to go elsewhere and do that research, law be damned. They fooled around with Corona Virus and odds are made a screw up along the way, Chinese containment is sloppy. Maybe it was on purpose? Who knows?
Regardless Chinese workers, tourists and so on flew here and there and infected Planet Earth with this. Ignoring Team Evil’s response we got very very lucky that it wasn’t actually that dangerous.
You don’t get to opt out of making sure that doesn’t happen again or you don’t end up like the Armenians in the Nagarno Karabacxk war because they didn’t innovate.
A collapse and Atlas Shrugging and boy howdy is He will not keep you safe or guarantee your posterity.
Now eventually the natural erosion of things will reduce the risk of technology but until than and until society is free of subversives probably by arresting them, you have to govern.
All that aside, while opting out won’t win its far better than nothing and I wish you and yours the very best, Merry Christmas to all.

3 years ago
Reply to  A.B. Prosper

“A.B.” … All the evil you describe has happened DESPITE the existence of a constitutional republic, in a continuous evolution of progressivism, under rule of political factions since before the war for independence.

Virtue is required to solve our problem … not political control.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
3 years ago
Reply to  Hans

As you well know when it comes to power or propsoerty most nen are not virtuous .It was mere months before the Founding Fathers had to enforce civic virtue at bayonet point.
if you don’t want drugs, porn, illegal immigration,. pollution. people profiting off misery (c.f the Facklers) or any of the other evils you must stop them.
You can’t hide away or flee, evil will chase you down.
Before you go looking for that doom though have a damned plan. I mean I get it we are all prone to the excesses of power but you can’t leave it lying around. If you don’t take it someone else will.
Given the Actual Right has more Virtue than average it falls upon them to use it wisely.
That said if you don’t care and just want to maybe hold a little piece of land, some tiny nation, so be it . Maybe its the best thing to do and I hope you can keep the better organized enemy at bay
As Ben Franklin put in his famous flag Join or Die

3 years ago
Reply to  A.B. Prosper

A.B. … “It was mere months before the Founding Fathers had to enforce …” their will upon a people who did not consent to their economic policy and taxation.

Shays Rebellion 1786: “Massachusetts residents were expected to pay higher taxes than they had ever paid to the British in order to assure that Governor James Bowdoin’s business associates would receive a good return on their investments.”

Whiskey Rebellion 1794: “In 1790 Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton pushed for the federal government to take over State debt from the Revolution. He also suggested an excise tax on whiskey to prevent further financial difficulty.”

Take your ideas about the need for government and shove it where the sun don’t shine …

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 years ago

It is true.
The fedgov is huge, and will not go peacefully.
Fight it? Good luck!
Ignore it. It doesn’t exist.
Create parallel structures in your community. Work through your local church if it’s a good one (whether you believe in God or not).
This is going to be a fight, but not like in Concord. You can’t smash the beast head-on. Get out of its way and let it destroy itself (it will!) You need to have the parts and pieces available on the other side. Does nobody any good if you’re dead or a political prisoner. Move out of your blue state, city, county. Get involved in local local local, because if you can’t succeed in changing it, you’re going to need to know who to pay a visit to.

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago

Their hold on you is gone once you realize that there is nothing that they can offer you that is worth your participation.” Jesus put this truth in the form of a question, “what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”