How’s That Voting Working Out For You???

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Alex Bruesewitz @alexbr... 18h 19 "R" Senators voted to continue vax mandates: Barrasso Blunt Capito Cassidy Collins Cornyn Hegarty Hyde-Smith Kennedy McConnell Moran Murkowski Portman Rounds Rubio Tillis VVTORCl +'
May be a Twitter screenshot of text that says 'Jerry Rosen @Shortrosen 15h Remember these four Republican Senators... They didn't show up on Thursday night to vote for defunding vaccine mandates... Romne Burr, Lindsay and Inhofe. If they sho up to vote, it most likely would have passed. Unfortunately it was defeated 47-46. These people are slime.'

BOTH your NC GOP Senators chose to enslave you to Government vaccine mandates FOREVER.

Tillis spit right in your face. Burr didn’t think you were even worth showing up for.

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3 years ago

They have been Traitors for some time. They supported Red Flag laws as well. We are just fooling ourselves with those two. Gotta go.

Last edited 3 years ago by David
Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago

Once again the RINO Globalist, Mason, US Chamber of Commerce puppet Texas Senator John Cornyn III betrayed American and Texas. Of course he supports “Red Flag” gun confiscations, open borders and now he has confirmed he is for the continuation of the mask mandates. Just wait he will vote for forced clot shot injections. How much longer will Texas put up with this traitor. The people of Tyler, TX should run Cornyn out of town and out of Texas. Stop voting for Cornyn the traitor. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

The only solution for all these traitors is a dirt shirt and shallow hole.

3 years ago

I think we’ve known for a long time that there is no voting our way out of this.

3 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

You are correct sir…even I…had “HOPE”
Thats now turned.

3 years ago

Somebody needs to tell Mitch that we are on to him and his gang of 50 and they ain’t going to get our vote ever again. They are doing this because they think we have no choice. A vote for them is empowerment. NEVER again.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Circumstances do not make the man, they reveal him. James Allen, so true and they have been revealed haven’t they.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

One of DJT’s most important accomplishments as President was exposing the DC ‘Swamp’, including the GOPe part of the Swamp.

3 years ago

If on the other side of a field I saw an evil, hated, enemy combatant speaking with a traitor, and I only had one bullet, there would be one evil, hated, enemy combatant running away from the body with a bullet hole through it.
The Dem enemy facing us is certainly evil. Yet I often find myself angrier at the GOP enemy feigning alliance with The People while undermining and stabbing us in the back.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Bill589

I agree, they are just as evil if not more.

Elder Son
3 years ago


Screenshot 2022-02-18 at 10-09-24 GETTR - The Marketplace of Ideas.jpg
The Tom
The Tom
3 years ago

Ah “voting”. The adult version of asking Santa Claus for goodies.

3 years ago

As an amateur historian, I can hardly believe what I’m seeing. These regimes around the world are actively killing their citizens, We have significant evidence from medical professionals and countries pointing out the processes involved.

Despite these very public murders and injuries, I have not heard a single case where the victims have taken revenge on these criminals. The sheer magnitude of the propaganda and cognitive dissonance seem to have shut down the victims self-defense mechanisms. The real Nazis could only have dreams of such control ……

3 years ago

Burr sold his soul by dumping a bunch of stock he would’ve lost a lot of money on, just as the plandemic was starting. His intelligence committee chairmanship gave him “insider” info, & he and about 3 others RINO trash cashed out, dumping their travel/hotel industry stock on somebody else. What a pitiful, dismal record. Good riddance, Traitor! Not to worry. There will be another just like him come November. Vote harder!!

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

Every single person in any gommermint position that is there by a vote needs to be gone, even if it’s the damn WH janitor, and even he’s suspect. Trust absolutely none of them. Dirt nap em all.