How’s That Voting Working Out For You?

How’s that voting working out for you?

Here in my county we had a 20.43% turnout. Way too much participation. We have to get those numbers much lower. My wife voted. I did not.

All the Rino County Commissioners won their primaries. Rino running for Sheriff won. However we did manage to get a solid Christian Conservative to win her primary for District Court Judge.

Madison Cawthorn was kicked to the curb for daring to tell the truth of all the evil in D.C. Funny how that works.

But let’s keep voting at ‘em. They’ll listen.


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Billy Bob
2 years ago

” If voting made a difference they’d make it illegal “. A guy named Samuel Clemmons said that. He was also called Mark Twain. He must have been banned from fb, twitter, all those places because i never saw that quote anywhere.

Billy Bob
2 years ago
Reply to  Billy Bob

He also said, ” It’s easier to fool people than it is to get them to admit they’ve been fooled”. Covid and the vax come to mind. Oh well, we’ll votem all out, the baddies.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I will not participate in the fraud any longer, when the scumbag biden got 81 million votes I knew we were participating to our demise. It seems the compliant and obedient masses still believe they can vote their way out of this. I am committed to another way out of this coup, it has proven to work throughout history. That is why I come to sites like this to identify with my fellow patriots, it always looks like we are outnumbered.

2 of 5
2 of 5
2 years ago

Vote, even though it may make no difference. If you don’t vote you are simply rolling over and giving up. We can drop back to the second option any time, any place. Question, what do you have to loose by voting?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  2 of 5

You lose your dignity.

2 of 5
2 of 5
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

I still have my integrity! Voting is just ammo in a box with the other all the other support goodies.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
2 years ago


Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

How’s that voting working out for you?

How is not voting working out for you?

Speech without deeds and action is just so much bloviating hot air.

It should be obvious that your enemies know this. All their speech is backed up with deeds and actions.

2 years ago

The problem is our acceptance of poor candidates. Get involved in the party, run for office yourself or find someone worth voting for and support their candidacy. Voting and not voting are equally passive and of little help when our enemies get to choose who the candidates are.

2 years ago

We must be in the same county….same % of voter turnout. I am very disappointed that only 1/5 of the people couldn’t take a few minutes and go vote…..not like there were long lines. Those same people are the ones that will be complaining later.