Huffington Post Calls on Christians to Recognize Muhammad as a Prophet


Can you imagine the Huffington Post publishing a series of articles calling upon Muslims to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior? Neither can I. But the HuffPo seems intent on compelling Christians to accept Muhammad as a prophet. In publishing Craig Considine and now Ian Mevorach both calling on Christians to accept Muhammad, the Huffington Post illustrates what happens to Leftists when they ally with Islamic supremacists: they fall completely under their sway and begin to proselytize for Islam.

Writes Mevorach: “I do not have space in this article to explore the many Qur’anic verses directly addressed to Christians, but if we were to receive them our religion would be transformed for the better and would come into balance with Judaism and Islam.”

So apparently the problem in the world today is Christianity, in being out of “balance” with Judaism and Islam, and that “balance” can be restored or attained by encouraging Christians to “receive” the “many Qur’anic verses directly addressed to Christians.”


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Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

And Mevorach can self copulate.