HUGE C.I.A. Disinfo Program Much More Successful Than Their Flat Earth Psyop

‘Alt Right’ Media Sprouting Many Fake News Websites, YouTube Channels and Facebook Pages Publishing Absurd Hope Porn—24/7

BEWARE: There are many so-called ‘conservative’ sites, like the one shown below, that are popping up all over the place, as they have since Donald Trump’s 2016 election.  All of these ridiculously fake news websites, in the aggregate, have served to profoundly undermine the credibility and integrity of the Patriot Movement and much larger Truth Movement.   

Even a cursory perusal of the numerous articles posted at Real Raw News indicates that this fake news site is funded and staffed by agents of the CIA’s Mockingbird Media. And, all anyone has to do is read one article such as this post to understand how utterly ludicrous the content really is: Military Revokes Podesta Plea Deal: “Let Him Hang!”.  However, in spite of so much obvious falsehood, it is still believed by millions of truth-seeking Patriots.

Read more here…

Treat everything, EVERYTHING you read or see online or on (ugh) TV with skepticism. Make no exceptions, and watch out for “circular verification” – well, it was posted on site one, and verified on site two, then sites three, four and five picked it up, so it MUST be true. Sound familiar? Can you say Steele Dossier?

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3 years ago

Always Remember, the term “Conspiracy Theory” was created by Clowns In Action to help Cover Up their involvement in the Kennedy Asasinations. This is a Document Fact.
Sadly, most ‘patriots’ are so captivated by “Hope and Change” done by Others, that crap like the (Q) Program had (and still does) keep Millions of Lazy People believing that there are so-called “white hats” in the Military, who are (or will, next Week, for Sure) taking care of the Traitors to the Republic…
GET OVER IT! The Military is the Last Place anyone who opposes Tyranny is ‘working’ in. Witness the bunch of retired ‘officers’ who penned that Letter, barely scratching the surface of the Problem, and Urging the Citizens to “Vote Harder, Next Time”. Bunch of useless civ-nat cuckservatives who went right along with the (((bolshevik))) Program while on Active Duty.
I’m betting that Most of them happily participated in the Endle$$ (undeclared, illegal, war-crime filled) Wars for $hekel$ and ‘eretz israel’.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

I would agree that most “conservatives” are looking for a mommy or daddy (Trump) to ride in on a white horse and save them. They still think the circus going on in AZ is going to amount to anything (look at The Gateway Pundit, they are still living on hope). Even if tomorrow they declare the election a complete fraud, does anyone honestly believe they would let Trump back in the WH? Now that the communists know how to cheat, there will NEVER be another outsider (controlled opposition? Yes to appease the cuckservative right…like Pence).

When was the last time someone significant went to jail? The citizens of this country don’t want to take the responsibility of cleaning up the mess we let happen. They want mommy or daddy to come clean it up.

Last edited 3 years ago by NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Have you seen any of what is going on in France, with the Army (Officers and Enlisted) calling for a Rebellion, and Purging of the muslim Invasion?The Military is being very Explicit in saying It is Not their place to Start It- that is up to the Citizens, and then the Military will Act to Back them Up, and Restore the Republic.
The French have a long History of tolerating ‘bad government’, up to a Point- then they go Medieval on the Problems… Same with muslim Invaders- look up Charlie Martel.
The Hysterical Reaction of the communists that are running the ‘government’ is a clear indication that even (((they))) Know what is going to Happen, and likely Soon. If France were to Overturn their version of the “Bankster Occupation Government, it would be a Clear Sign to the rest of the World that the ‘One World Order’ that (((certain people))) are Desperate to Impose is beginning to Fail.

3 years ago

My wife and I listen to the X22 Report every morning over coffee. I view it as entertainment. The premise is that Trump and the Patriots have everything under control and we all win in the end. Nice fantasy. I subscribe to the ‘no one is coming to save us’ credo. Don’t trust Fox. Don’t trust NewsMax. OAN is MAYBE a good site. Maybe. I frequent this site and Western Rifle Shooters because they align with my thinking. Other than that …

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

I believe that I have become even more jaded than most as I seriously suspect Mr. Trump and family would not accept the WH at this point even if it were legitimately offered. I heard a few weeks back, a Trump friend who said in the heat of the discussion that Trump had made up his mind in the spring of 2020 not to fight the fraud and accept the loss. I believe from the what was said that Trump thought it would be better to run again in 2024. This goes to a comment on another NC Renegade post, speculating what if…Trump actually planned this debacle so that he would not be associated with the draconian lockdown, financial failures, etc. What if? Is there hopium in that, or a severe case of disgust?

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

Agree and thank you!
Many unclean spirits. Spoken about in Rev.16:13-14 (Think about some of the memes being passed around.)”