Human Capital – Episode 2: Inside the Planned Parenthood Supply Site

Every new video adds additional pressure on Planned Parenthood.  Here is the latest on how the SBA List is working to hold the largest abortion provider in America accountable:  
    1. Congressional Investigations: House Leadership intends to conduct investigations in early September. Several high-ranking Committee staff members responsible for shaping the size and scope of the inquiry have reached out to SBA List asking for assistance. Our team has provided key members of Congress with scientific evidence and a list of more than 40 questions that dig deep into the workings of Planned Parenthood. We want to make sure that if these hearings and investigations are held they expose Planned Parenthood in every way possible.The evidence uncovered in these investigations could prove critical to our efforts to ensure that no taxpayer funds support abortion in any form, that babies capable of feeling pain are protected from these cruel procedures, and – perhaps most importantly – we are able to elect a pro-life President who will sign these common sense pieces of legislation into law.


    2. A Vote to Ending Late-Term Abortion: Many of the unborn babies sold for their parts are aborted in the later stages of pregnancy. The next big fight for life in the U.S. Senate will be a vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would end abortion after 5 months of pregnancy. SBA List has met with key Senators, provided briefings and scientific evidence, identified expert witnesses for Senate hearings, and has already begun our full court pressure to make sure Senators like Bob Casey (D-PA) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), who voted against defunding Planned Parenthood, vote in favor of protecting unborn babies from late-term abortion.

  1. The State Level: At the state level, SBA List has partnered with Americans Defending Freedom and American’s United for Life to provide the 100+ state lawmakers in our National Pro-life Women’s Caucus with the information they need to investigate and defund Planned Parenthood in their states.

Additionally, even more states have taken recent, dramatic action since the last video was released, including:
  • New Hampshire, where the state’s executive council voted to strip Planned Parenthood of a $600,000 grant;
  • Louisiana & Alabama, where the governors pulled the Medicaid contract from Planned Parenthood;
  • Florida, where investigations into the state’s 16 Planned Parenthood facilities found 3 illegally performing second trimester abortions and a fourth failing to maintain any proper paperwork on the disposal of fetal remains; and
  • Indiana, where Governor Pence just signed a bill into law to ensure that fetal remains be disposed of with the dignity they deserve.
There is more happening behind the scenes, and I can’t wait to share it with you in the coming weeks.
h/t John P
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