Hundreds Dead In Syrian Chemical Attack As Even Impartial Experts Allege “False Flag”

Overnight, it wasn’t Egypt but Syria that woke up to the latest massacre, this time in a chemical weapons-induced slaughter when more than 200 people were killed shortly after 3 am local time, in what would be by far the worst reported use of chemical arms in the two-year-old civil war. Naturally, Syrian activists promptly accused the President al-Assad of conducting the attack that killed numerous women and children even though it was their chemicial weapons warehouse in the Damascus area that was uncovered just over a month ago.

Not surprisingly the state TV and Syrian emissaries abroad promptly denied any responsibility for the attack. And, as on previous occasions, the traditional narrative of penning this wholesale murder of civilians on the ruling administration leaves much to be desired. So much so that even experts are now wondering if it wasn’t merely the latest provocation attempt by the US (and Al-Qaeda) -supported rebels to push public opinion further against Assad and permit the greenlighting of an eventual military escalation.


Report from Free Syrian Army:

Report No.: 23
Location: East Gouta, / Western Gouta.

Through our follow-up of the massacre, which began the second hour and twenty five minutes specifically in East Gouta and Medmah Sham and claimed the lives of a large number arrived as Totiqatna to one thousand two hundred and twenty-eight martyrs such as the number of accurate so far.
**Documented the names of seven hundred and sixty people and the rest are checking their names.
The medical report, which went out of its points all by medical symptoms and the data confirmed that the cause of death was inhalation of sarin and spread.
In testimony from the mentioned areas show that:
Through indiscriminate shelling with rockets and mortars aimed at rural areas of Damascus and them East Gouta in (Zamalka, Jobar, Ain Tarma) and Gota Bank (Medmah Sham and the outskirts of the city of Darya).
During the explosion, some of which cumulatively gas was spread a white yellowish slash heavily making the residents of these areas suffer panic and faint and Tweet this severe breathing heavily.
Readiness maximum was raised in the memo areas and ambulance Almtdharaan began this smoky clouds.
In testimony to doctors who are in the medical points said:
It at 2:25 after midnight on Tuesday
Syrian regime forces fired a number of rockets and missiles on the above-mentioned areas, some of which has a chemical gas
And located an hour ago تتوارد us casualties amounted to more than a thousand and infected seven hundred of them civilians and including elements of the army free.
We have received a number of cases had died immediately after the spread of poison gas because of the proximity of the rockets.
In the accurate diagnosis of the situation said:
That most of the cases that we received was infected Bdik severe breathing and yellowing of the full body and Tdik in Coro pinworm eye and some cases had haste severe heartbeat and sweating heavily in addition to excess saliva is foamy from the nose, mouth, blurred vision and a departure from Alamntq, injuries ranged What between serious and Hdih the risk, according to the presence and places according to the quantity to have been inhaled by the patient’s body, according to analyzes and accurate preview of the show that injuries result inhaling poisonous sarin gas and depending on the تشخيصنا of the state’s medical and appreciation for the injury.
On this get out of this official report about the targeting of these areas with a deadly chemical gas (sarin).
Communication and coordination with the medical points, field hospitals, and some of the activists were counted the number of deaths of up to one thousand two hundred and twenty-eight martyrs.
Distributed as follows:
(Point Sakba nine and martyr Stone) * (point Kvrbtna the one hundred and fifty martyr) * (point always one hundred and fifty martyr)
(Points حمورية the two hundred and Tsun martyr) * (Orbin point three and Stone martyr) * (bridges sixteen point)
* (Zamalka four hundred point martyr) * (point Ain Tarma five and seventy martyr) * (Harasta point five martyrs)
* (Point المعضمية the Ten Martyrs) * (the total number of the outcome of the martyrs, one thousand two hundred and twenty-eight martyrs)

Official website of the Office document file chemotherapy in Syria…ack/new-attack
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: S.chemicalattack @


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11 years ago

I’m by no means am saying this didn’t or did happen, but a lot of bodies did not appear dead. The video nevers stays on one person, only briefly. I didn’t see any urine incont on the men in the crouch area and their skin tone was not paylor or cynotic. Some may these may be fresh corpse maybe, but very suspicious of this whole video and event

11 years ago

one of the young femaile child appears heavily sedated…maybe??