Here are the leaked texts between @SeanHannity and Kayleigh McEnany
— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) June 13, 2022
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As likened to Bill O’rielly, who slowly revealed his closet “liberalism” over time…so has Hannity. If this leak is true, which I believe could very well be, due to the fact that Hannity has stated “he’s friends with Hunter”. No matter who he may interview, or invite on his broadcast, I’m pretty much done with Hannity. He always interjects himself into the subject matter, somehow or another. And his constant “repeating” of himself is tiresome. There’s no sane person who’d want to pardon hunter for sedition, treason, and overall “scumbaggieness”…
Same reason I quit watching him shortly after I started. He always turns it all around to his point of view and his opinion, always. I watch news to hear news, wanting to find whats happening of worth throughput the world that may affect me and what I’m doing or planning, which anymore is nonexistent. It’ all turned into opinion programs.
Tucker, while similar minded, seems to be more focused on exposing the bullshit we are being exposed to and the outright corruption of our so called leaders, er, uh, I mean our overlords.
birds of a feather flock together, O Riley is worse then his chump Pal Faggity
I have know Hanity to be a piece of **** for a long time now. I guess this proves it.
hannity was always a fraud , coming From New York i always knew the chump faggot was a life long rino democrat, let him eat and wallow in his own poop pile now, thank God someone has busted this dirty stinking democrat loving liar. i am praying he loses at least 2/3 of of his viewers, i turned him off years and years ago, i couldn’t stomach listening to him.