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1 year ago

It was our past leaders from over 50 years who began with that term of Judeo Christian of which is an oxymoron. Christianity has nothing to do with Judaism whatsoever. the founding of this nation was from Christ Only and his Holy word and nothing more, even though some of our past leaders from 200 years ago were deists of which they had no clue what the Scriptures were teaching, it was their own delusions they believed were correct.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Dave, You are right.
Of what I do know and have learned from the scriptures after 40 years of reading and studying the Word is the truth of his Holy word, that’s not to say I have all knowledge because that would be contrary to the word of God. The word of God states no one has complete understanding of the scriptures and not one person has final interpretation, this is why we pray for wisdom and understanding of what God allows us to have. The Pastors and people today lack wisdom and understanding because they do not read the word of God. People are great at quoting a verse here and there without ever knowing what it really means, they do not study line upon line nor precept upon precept. It’s sad but this is where we are at right now. This nation from the first landing at Plymouth Rock of the Pilgrims did not call themselves judeo Christians, they fled England from the tyranny of the King and came to a new Land to establish it in the name of Christ, and this they did. Nowhere in the historical record is this written. I asked my cousin this question many years ago who was a history professor as well a military tactician for the Pentagon in the 1980’s thru late 1990’s, he related to me, Judeo Christianity is a fallacy and made up by the Jewish lobby in this nation and Israel as well a long time ago, he told me they were liars who were deceiving the people of our nation into a falsehood. not much more to say on this, people really need to search this subject more on their own to learn what the truth is. We live in a world of deceivers who are deceiving each other just as Apostle Paul warned us about would occur in these last days. How far we have fallen as a once great and noble nation and the shining light on the hill, it breaks my heart.
God Bless

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

I’ve always thought that Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism.

1 year ago

Christ officially divorced Israel at the cross and at the same time he died the veil of the temple was rent in two pieces right down the middle. This officially ended the old covenant between God and Israel. Christ said I write a new covenant for his new people which ended the law written on two tablets of stone and given to Moses. Christ stated I will put my laws and write them on there hearts and give you the Holy Spirit. Christ did not do away with the law he just fulfilled it and wrote it on your heart.

RM 1
RM 1
1 year ago

Jesus Christ, born a Jew in fulfillment of the Scriptures, the Word made flesh, yet the term Judeo Christian is false?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  RM 1

Why not share a scripture that shows the reality of Judeo Christian? I don’t know of any. After Pentecost, you are either born again, [Romans 10:9,10,] or you’re not. If you’re born again, you have eternal life, [1John 5:13.] This is too simple for most. It’s simple because it cost God his only son.

1 year ago
Reply to  RM 1

There was never a term for Judeo in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament, there were two nations Judah and Israel. no mention of Judeo at all, and they never called themselves Jews. They called themselves Judeans ( Judah) or Israelites. this term was made up over 50 years ago when the so-called Jews returned to their ancestry lands in1948, under England’s Balfour agreement where the lands of Israel were carved up and administered by the U.N. under the partitioning agreement by the Rothchilds who were up to their eyeballs in this. Prior to this the Israelites/Judeans lived in semi quasi peace next to each other with few skirmishes. The land was barren and used for sheep herding, etc. by Muslim nomads at that time, once the Ashkenazi Jews took full control, they began expelling the Palestinians from the land, was this right, i don’t believe so, but they did it anyway. Let’s remember who all these people are with centuries of strife and hating each other, all from the same bloodlines dating back to Abraham and Sara. these people are from the line of Ishmael, and many are from the line of Esau whom God hated. This will never end, and the feud will continue until the Lord returns. You can read all of this in the book of Genesis of where it all began and continues to this day.
I pray I clarified of what I know and understand about this long-lasting feud.
God Bless

Last edited 1 year ago by Phil
RM 1
RM 1
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

Thank you for the reply Phil.

1 year ago
Reply to  RM 1

You are very welcome, please pay attention to all the events uncovering now, the Lord is at the door. As lightning shines from the East to the west so will the coming of the lord be. We must all be careful not being deceived because deception is worldwide and getting worse., stand firm in Christ to the end no matter what happens and we will all receive our crowns of righteousness.

1 year ago

For those that have made the study of US history their advocation, it should be noted that some of the founding fathers were dead set against jews ever being allow into the country. Just one to chew on for a moment.