Hypocrites All

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, sanders, hillary, rape, unconscious

Despite our intense dislike of his politics, Hope n’ Change has at least held a grudging admiration for Bernie Sanders’ apparent integrity and sincerity when it came to his wildly misguided beliefs. But (surprise!) it turns out he’s been lying all along.


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8 years ago

They sought after a dark messiah; a false god-head, to lead them unto a false heaven; even unto a thing of their own facetious imagining -- they sough a one to give substance unto it, that they might enter in and abide there forever. And look how they are betrayed; how the inevitable has come to them, at their own beckoning. But still they do not understand.

And the Lord our God, the True One of all ages, has seen the wicked desires of their hearts, and He knows how they sought to combine with one another, to raise up the false prophet, and inaugurate his reign of evil upon the Earth. And He has confounded them, setting them even against one another; for evil is it’s own reward, in every day and age.

The Lord shall Judge, and they shall be found wanting; not only because they have sinned, but more so that they have denied their sins, even while reveling in them. There is no contrition in their hearts, and their souls have cast off all shame. Thus have they perfected their own condemnation, and thus shall their reward be Just, according to their own purpose and intentions.