I Am An Essential Worker

When we decide that certain individuals no longer have value, then what is to stop us from deciding that other individuals have no value either (elderly, disabled, minorities, et al)? Who gets to make that decision? When we have reached the conclusion that certain individuals have no value, then it becomes perfectly acceptable to demand their sacrifice for the benefit of another. This is the root assumption of collectivism/statism. This is tyranny!

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a follower
4 years ago

Essential and “non essential in Truth was and is another divisional tactic.
The Hero worship, that has been put in every ones face.
Favoritism, picking winners and losers.
There is a problem here, and it shows you the difference between the world and the set-apart. Those who can see it, Granted some of those who started this Hero signage across the country may have did it with good intentions, and never took into account cause and effect.
And that is the problem!
Perhaps the ones who have set-out purposely to destroy destroy destroy are the “non essentials?

4 years ago

”Perhaps the ones who have set-out purposely to destroy destroy destroy are the “non essentials?”

And thus could draw the ire of those they denigrate?