I received the following comment on the THIS IS AMERICA article:
The people must hold Congress to a higher standard. Immediately.
What mechanisms exist to make that possible?
Let me first back up. I gave two options for the Deep State traitors in that article:
- Hold elections on November 8 and be removed from power.
- Start WWIII and cancel the elections.
I would like to expand option 1 as it would impact the people instead of the traitors. Let’s first go back to 1994 and Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America. The Republican minority presented a list of goals for the first 100 days of the next Congress if they gained control by winning a majority in the election. Except for term limits, they achieved everything that they presented. I remember the crushing defeat of the Democrats that night as CNN commentators were shocked by the results.
Newt Gingrich understood how to win elections and that Republicans needed to do something to save the country instead of just providing more useless rhetoric. Let’s fast forward to 2022. Kevin McCarthy has already stated that he will not impeach an illegal and mentally deficit president. But even more important, the Republicans have no contract with the people pending. In fact, their platform is missing in action. Would you like to see answers on:
- Continued funding of the Ukrainian proxy war.
- Border security.
- COVID-19 hearings on Fauci’s role, pharmaceutical liability, pharmaceutical profits, vaccine side effects, vaccine trial information that was suppressed and the actual number of deaths due to COVID-19.
- Mandating that Congress make and pass a budget.
- Mandating that Congress pass a balanced budget.
- 2020 voter fraud hearings.
- DOJ, CIA and FBI malfeasance hearings.
- Abolishing the Department of Education.
- Hunter Biden prosecution.
- FISA warrant abuse.
That is a short list that took a few minutes to compose. I am sure that our readers could add to the it. My point is simple: the Republicans believe that their success is assured in the midterm elections. Which has a corollary: they believe that they do not have to promise to do “anything” in order to win. Which means they will do nothing to fix or make America great again. Which means more tyranny and the continued descent into oblivion for the Great Experiment.
So that brings me back to Mr. Porretto’s cogent question:
What mechanisms exist to make that possible
[to hold Congress accountable]?
The mechanisms for action come down to two methods: small and large. I understand that this is an oversimplification but for now:
- Small – gray man tactics
Individual or small groups of individuals act to instill terror or throw a wrench into the cog of the wheel. The following cartoon is an example:
Can you imagine thinking about these kinds of “action” against a government that has openly declared war on children just a few short years ago? This plan of attack was outlined in Unintended Consequences by the late John Ross.
2. Civil War
I believe that the government is already operating under the conditions of civil war. Our side is still hoping for a different outcome but when the government comes out with CDC guidelines recommending our children get gene therapy in order to attend their indoctrination centers, the conclusion is obvious: they want us to rise up.
I know that God will not hold us guiltless until we act separately or together. For those who do not want to face reality:
Mr. Franklin understood what was at stake and what was necessary to be free:
Either option will give the people a dismal future with three options:
- World War
- Civil War
- Both
If you think we can vote our way out of this, please tell me what the “Republicans” plan to do if the take control of Congress. Do you really think McCarthy and McConnell are worthy of our trust? Politicians will never change: people are fodder who are only good as a means of supporting the elite.
If you think there is a fourth option where we continue to slowly watch our culture and people die, I will put forth the proposition that that option is no longer valid. The evil that we face wants us and our children dead. They are purposefully backing us into a corner so that we have no options left but to fight or submit.
But they have discounted the fact that other countries will support a civil war in this country to overthrow these traitors. Without the aid of France, the colonies would not have defeated England. I never liked the saying “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” and would be cautious about alliances. Who is to say how the Lord will provide aid to defeat evil? All I can say is to be vigilant and to trust in the Lord with all your heart, pray for guidance and remember that evil must be vanquished.
David DeGerolamo
David -- -- You have laid out as succinct a description of what our future options are as could be written. Kudos on the direct approach and your logic.
Concur that the options do not lay out an easy path, nor are welcomed, but either is necessary to clear out the rot and crumbling morality found in Dystopia Central (DC).
May the Good Lord continue to show us His favor !
I second the comment by 173dVietVet.
Every patriotic man/woman in this country has to stand shoulder to shoulder and apply constant steady pressure to over come this evil we are now seeing. May the good Lord give us his support no matter what the task is.
It is laid out in the Constitution.
You mean the 2nd Ammendment? … because all the other parts depend on the rule of law.
No, the part where a certain group is the only group allowed to execute the Laws of the Union. They have the duty to make sure that the government does not step out of bounds.
BTW, the Constitution is the law of the land, therefore the 2nd Amendment is just a law. So if Article I Section 8 clause 15 depends on a the rule of law, so does the 2nd Amendment. It can be repealed or amendment like anything else in the Constitution. Which neither has not.
Stipulated: The constitution is the law of the land. It created the government, and codified how the law shall be created, judged, and enforced.
However, when the creaters of “law” create “laws” that are anethema to the constitiution, and the judges of the law fail to judge consistent with the constitution, and the enforcers of the law fail to enforce the constitution, then THERE IS NO RULE OF LAW, and the constitution is “really just guidelines”, and the government which the constitution created ceases to exist.
While the second ammendment, or any of the bill of rights, can technically be “repealed”, in point of fact those “laws” do not create rights, they create restrictions upon goverment to interfere with preexisting and inalienable (not repealable) rights.
The law created by the 2nd Amendment is that no one can regulate firearms. As far as the the Rule of Law, it does not exist because We do not want it to.
ok, but that’s a collective preponderance of “we”, or more accurately of those with a voice in government, which is not any “we” that *I* have ever met, as our “vote” ceased to exist on Dec 20th 2020 when the supreme court refused to hear evidence in a case between two sovereign states, where the supreme court is the court of “orginal jurisdiction”, and more than one justice declared that therefore the court had no authority to refuse the case.
We is in We the People (the w is capitalized). The Militia is the only group charged with executing the Laws of the Union. Since he founders defined the Militia as the whole of the People except the politicians, then it is the People’s duty to enforce the law. That does not mean enforce the criminal acts that they call laws, it means enforce the Constitutional laws. This is a simple concept that is clearly defined. There is no wiggle room. The only reason they criminals are not in jail is because We have not done out duty.
Got it. We are in complete agreement. 😀
(I can be amight slow sometimes)
Great post, they throw it in our face every day, giving the kill shot to the children so they can attend the indoctrination centers, hoping to get us to react. In my opinion we should stop considering what their next move will be. We cannot stay in limbo if we are to survive, the question is who will be first, sooner than later we have to act and they know it.
“Agood plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.”
It is critical that American patriots internalize the TINVOWOOT mantra. All the GOP has to do to look preferable to the Democrats is…not be the Democrats. That is not acceptable and we must not accept it. But as our system stands, the only way to reject it effectively is to go outside the law: nonviolently (“Irish democracy”) or violently (guerilla: “Unintended Consequences;” outright: “CW2”).
I wouldn’t count on assistance from other nations. “The Hideous Strength holds all this Earth in its fist to squeeze as it wishes.” We must free ourselves or resign ourselves to bondage.
I rarely hesitate to comment. I had to re-read this a couple of times. Indeed as stated above this post is clear and succinct.
What is unclear is option selection and time frame, this is where the prayers for guidance come in. Without question action must be taken, unification and solidarity must take place.
The other side is running out of time. As Mr. Lira stated in his video, America is evil. My best suggestion is that time is on our side because we are looking at weeks before they act. Take this time to pray, prep and build family and community.
They should fire all 8000 senior executive service deep state employees. Disband and defund the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ. Cut the CIA budget in half or just give all the responsibility to the DIA and close the CIA. Destroy all NSA algorithms on American citizens. Cut the NSA budget in half. Limit the State Department authority to only operate embassies and consulates. No foreign policy authority for them at all. Get rid of the rest of them. And that would be my first day in office. I’d let everyone catch their breath and then I would really clean house.
Y’all need to make up your minds. It’s either a Fed Trap, or it isn’t.
There are very much other options, here is a primary laid out by DoD: DoD Law of War Manual -- June 2015 Updated Dec 2016.pdf
Notice they won’t just capitulate to a mob, you must speak as ‘the people’. The only way a military will lawfully recognize political groups, are by uniform and/or moniker. Should the people be so oppressed as to no afford uniforms, they can use ARMBANDS.
This is a primary reason knot seas are demonized, it’s how they rose to power after WWI$. Should the people attempt such a tactic, the MSM will be on it like flies on $#!+. IMO most people in the US wear denim, and would make a great icon. The color capitulates to the liberal, and they like ‘shiny things’.
Anyone thinking the U.S. military doesn’t have a contingency plan to set up an intern government, has little regard for preparation. Essentially they would put forth several forms of better governance, Then the People would vote on their preferred form, then the new form would be implemented over an extended period of time.
It’s about the only reason I can find to hang out with you ‘jar heads’, you’ve got an inside track, and technically should already know these rules.
Thank you again, David for presenting a thoughtful piece. Today I had coffee with a friend and state official regarding much the same conversation. He is saying that by standing firm as a Christian Conservative, he has given up committee chairmanships, his Bills being heard, or any opportunity to present meaningful arguments on subjects such as transgender research on children under the guise of mental health. This is in a “solid red” state with “solid red leadership”. What to do? Stand firm. We are in the thick of it. Know that it may be the 10th or 20th man back to see victory, but we will have it as long as there is resistance on the earth.