I Am Shocked that the FBI Would Lie

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Al Bino
Al Bino
7 months ago

Found this out myself, shortly after being censored, researching deaths of and by police. Fact, the police unions of the north east (New England) have always capitulated in co-operating with federal officials on crime data collection. IMO, this allows information to be ‘smoke stacked’ to the general public and created the excuses used to use ESTIMATES. Statistics are already loaded by allowing bureaucrats to phrase the questions asked. Now they go so far as to redefine definitions: Violence~ the use of, OR THREAT TO USE, overwhelming force (a tactic used by State agents everyday), Rape is no longer defined with the term penetration. If you’re interested in the details, they don’t hide their sophistry:


Even w/o the NE crime numbers, one in seven homicides by firearm are committed by State agents. Wouldn’t be hard to extrapolate that this ratio would be much higher if the truth were told. They have above average ‘self-infliction’ and Dom Violence. Yet the Dunning/Kruger bubble causes them to believe the general public is the problem. FOP like to include ‘self-infliction’ in officer deaths by firearms statistics, to pad their public union lies.