I Apologize for the Language

USA Fuck-Biden Flag F Biden Flag 3x5 Buy B4 It's Taken image 0



We saw one on a truck in Blairsville, GA today. Maybe we can have a parade with these flags when Washington is not under lockdown under this illegal pResident.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

No need for apology here, Fuck vice president biden and the camala he rode in on.

Last edited 3 years ago by tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Fukamala too!

3 years ago

David -- -- We probably all agree with the sentiments expressed on the flag….
What the words have going for them is “succinctness”.
My take is that there are many other choices in the English language that can be used to express similar sentiments without groveling in the gutter with the Demon-nikRats, whose only way of talking uses crude words. However, the 1st Amendment clearly allows language to be used that we may not all agree with.
It is difficult to teach your children manners in an environment which has lost civility. My thought is that there is a time and a place for adult language, so putting such on one’s truck and driving all over town may not be either the time or place…
But as it has been said,
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.
(Attributed to Voltaire but this is from his biographer, Evelyn Beatrice Hall)

3 years ago

No apology needed. Sometimes the most vile creatures need coupled with the finest words of our English language.

3 years ago

i resemble that remark

rabbi Andrew
rabbi Andrew
3 years ago

this is good

matthew w
3 years ago

I want a 4x8 of that !!!!!!

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

I saw one in Salisbury NC

John Toothman
John Toothman
3 years ago


3 years ago

They will all be feeling the pain! Won’t need a sticker to remind the idiots, the few that DO exists. Did Biden not warn them what this new green deal means for lower class Americans..? Higher gas, means higher everything! Never goes back down, only up! Who will this hurt the most ?🤔

3 years ago

I must Object to associating a still tax free pleasure with the Despicable democRats and Rinoes in the Gubmints of the former USA.
I would suggest the word “Remove” and/or Castrate as more appropriate for the genteel crowd that needs to be still recruited to the Cause.
The soon to arrive Failure of the US Fiat Dollar will be the lit fuse, imo.
CW is coming soon enough, I do hope everyone is laying up stores of necessities CYA..

Desi Swift
Desi Swift
3 years ago

I forgive those that voted for Biden for they know not what they do. Pray I have the grace to pick up the pieces of their broken psyches when evil destroys them.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  Desi Swift

Reason so many are pro left nowdays is Americans overall are functionally illiterate on practical matters, have left brain dysfunction lacking critical thinking skills and logical thinking. Dumbed down parents send kids to gov. schools to program them for agenda 2030 and accepting transgender, multi-gender lifestyles.
Apparently most Americans want the kids and g’kids enslaved into poverty and dispare where no amount of work will produce a just reward, living in third world cond.