I Believe This to Be True

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Sgt. Schulz
Sgt. Schulz
11 hours ago

Look around, possibly coming to a neighborhood near you. Depending on where you live you may be outnumbered already.

11 hours ago

They have disarmed the citizenry. The military is truly their only hope. A full assault beginning against EU and NATO headquarters in Brussels should begin the process.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
11 hours ago

Look at European countries, they don’t want to assimilate they want to take over and they are. America can be deceived very easily. Why do you think the Democrats can do whatever they want and I still have followers. The old saying; there’s always sheep that wants to be led.

11 hours ago

The military and, by extension police agencies, will support whoever is filling their rice bowl. Just look at Venezuela. We have the same situation here in Amerika, especially with city cops, who serve at the pleasure of woke, SJW, RINO/Marxist-Abortionist Party city councils, mayors and city managers. How are things going in your A/Os? Bleib ubrig.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
10 hours ago

Fight or Die. A very simple choice.

9 hours ago

Islam Lesson for Today:
Muslims view Islam as THE Universal Religion to which all must adhere.
The World is (primarily) divided into the Dar al Islam--the House of Islam--those places under total Islamic control with Sharia Law being the Authority (above which nothing may prevail).
Every nation not in the Dar al Islam is in the Dar al Harb: the House of War.
Thus, Muslims have as their goal a One-World Caliphate within which we all must exist.
SO nice--so charitably Christian of us--that We of the West are so tolerant, so welcoming, so EFFING STUPID, as to set out the welcome mat to muslims, allowing them access to our Nations, allowing them into our governments, arming them with modern weaponry while our traitorous governments disarm us.
But you will have choices (muslims are soooo generous, are they not?): bend the knee (as a jizya-paying slave), bend the other knee (so as to lose one’s head) or convert to Islam on the spot.
Diversity Proximity = War.
But now, in the case of weak, emasculated Western Man:
Tolerance Willful Ignorance = Annihilation.

Alex Lund
Alex Lund
9 hours ago

Forget Germany.
When long ago the french military rose up against de Gaulle the german chancellor Adenauer asked his aides if something like this could happen in Germany. His aide replied: “The way we select our officers ensures that this can never happen in Germany.”

Madam DeFarge
Madam DeFarge
6 hours ago

Truth is truth, no matter how bad it may sound. muslims want to dominate every human on the planet, either by you giving in to them, or their use of force, and destroy all your culture, period. muslims have running the same scam for 1400 years.

6 hours ago
Reply to  Madam DeFarge

CORRECT! A 7TH Century cult of fanaticism, wholesale rape, murder, bloodthirsty domination & slavery.
All wrapped in the guise of “one of the world’s great religions.”
Garbage! Great by numbers. Why so many converts throughout history? Easy! Convert or die. Not a difficult choice for the unarmed, the conquered, the weak.
We may all be eventually overwhelmed, but playing “Cowboys & Muslims” has a bit of a ring to it.
It will perhaps begin in the Netherlands or in some other obscure place-- wherever men might rediscover their testosterone.
But it will end here in the U.S. of A.

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
2 hours ago

Allah = Satan. And what would one expect of a religion/political system that bows to and worships Satan?