I Broke a Rule

Actually, I am breaking the rule twice. When I read information/news that evokes a strong emotional response, I refrain from writing about it until I cool off. The quote from Tillis evoked such a response but I wrote an article before cooling off.

I still have not cooled off but the more I think about his arrogance and self-importance, the longer it is taking to cool off. I remember reading an article years ago how the CIA and KGB manufactured information to prolong the Cold War. Of course that information has been cleansed from the Internet.

I want to concentrate on what is at stake in Ukraine and what happens if Putin “wins”.

  1. What will Putin win if he conquers Ukraine? The Russian Federation will get fertile land to grow food but by whom? Their working population has fled the country or has been killed. Have you ever wondered why the number of dead Ukrainian soldiers is not accurately known? Their dead range from 450,000 to over 1 million. So what will Putin do with excess farmland and no one to work it? Maybe he will be able to give even more free wheat to African nations from his existing surpluses?
  2. If Putin wants to win, why did he tell Tucker Carlson that he wants to negotiate for peace. The US is the nation which wants this war to continue.
  3. The longer the war goes on, the more money Russia makes. While the West is being bankrupted by this war, Russia is building BRICS, opening new markets and crippling Western energy sources.
  4. The US is losing its dominance with the dollar as the world’s reserve currency as this war continues. But this is only a distraction since the dollar is already doomed. Our military supplies have been depleted and our debt increases $4 trillion a year. We are already bankrupted multiple times. Which is why our “leaders” continue endless wars to line their pockets.
  5. Russia has more nuclear warheads than any other nation. They also have better hypersonic missiles, nuclear torpedoes and hypersonic aircraft. A win in Ukraine will not change the fact that the West will lose a world war with Russia. If you don’t believe me, think about how the lines will be drawn: Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, China, North Korea and Africa at a minimum will be against the West.

Tillis may be correct: if Putin wins in Ukraine, the West will be shown to be impotent. Its moral decay, tyranny, economic collapse will have only expedited our descent into a warning for future nations on the consequences of evil.

As for Tillis and his “Russia, Russia, Russia” mantra, he is not even against Russia: he is against the truth coming out and he is afraid of the consequences that his actions may entail from a well briefed populace.

David DeGerolamo

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Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
11 months ago

Tillis is another RINO, like 80% of those in the GOP.
They hate the USA as much as Democommies do.

11 months ago

Tillis is a rat liberal bastard operating as a republican, this has been this guy’s M.O. even when he was the state senate majority leader. nothing but a dirt bag always doing the bidding for the democrats.

11 months ago

Stop watching the Really Bad Actors in DC. How do we know they’re actors you ask? Not one completed their Oath of Office and the rest, all of them are on Mossad videos Raping some little boy or girl and are 100% compromised! We have NO legitimate Representation…its all gone. Stop paying attention to the awful Kabuki Theater and keep an eye on the Bankers, Masons, Black Rock and Zionists. The White Shoe Boys behind the curtain…thats where the plans for our destruction lay!

11 months ago

If I were in charge of spare farmland in Ukraine, I be luring farmers from Netherlands and Ireland to come homestead -- and maybe knowledgeable and oppressed family farmers from the USA.

11 months ago
Reply to  Mary

If I remember correctly Putin encouraged the displaced white farmers of Africa to take up farming in Russia.

So I expect more the same if excess Ukrainian farm land becomes available.

Unlike the EU and America, Russia VALUES farmers.

Bigus Macus
Bigus Macus
11 months ago
Reply to  Mary

Russia has done this before going back to Catherine the Great. Alot of ethnic Germans settled there.

11 months ago
Reply to  Mary

Their farm land is junk from the dirty bombs we sent them. When this does finally end Ukraine will be like Chernobyl

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago

We are already a third world country, the only thing left for them to do is to digitize the money. At this point I do not get emotional for what they have accomplished, there are no good guys or gals left in fed.gov, state and local. Hosea 12: 7 He is a merchant, the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loveth to oppress.

11 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

Absolutely, they have all gone after they way of Cain as written in the O.T. and all of them are marked as Cain was.

11 months ago

I’m sure you know David about the Thuycides Trap. America produces debt and exports war.

Once our “powerful military ” and high tech weapons are nonsense I’d expect the world’s appetite for American debt to evaporate.

But We the People will suffer from the Hyperinflation that results.

Bigus Macus
Bigus Macus
11 months ago

What do Russia, Poland and Hungry all have in common? They are all Christian European counties that haven’t been destroyed by the globalist. They still celebrate and cherish their heritage.

kal kal
kal kal
11 months ago
Reply to  Bigus Macus

Poland, starting 2/22, no pictures, video or mention of military equipment and/or vehicles movements will be allowed. Same rules apply a to social media. Poland is slipping down the slopes it tries to become the largest military in Europe.

11 months ago
Reply to  kal kal

Do the math on the new South Korean war gear they are buying to replace the old soviet stuff they shipped off to “Support Ukraine”.

Now double that number to reflect the support equipment, ammo, training and such (actually higher but…).

Compare to Poland’s Gross National Production.

Unless they are REALLY spending over 25% of their GDP for at least 6+ years on war toys then I suspect America is funding the New Polish Army to be the next proxy to fight Russia for us.

So far, the “official tally” of funds to Ukraine CASH not equipment replacement costs and ammo is over 113 Billion dollars.

Wink, Yeah, only 113 Billion so far… Need I add a sarc tag here?

For a small idea what we’ve sent in equipment:

SNIP A newly produced Patriot missile battery is a formidable investment. The cost of such a battery is approximately $1.1 billion. Here’s the breakdown:

System Cost: The base system itself amounts to around $400 million.
Missile Cost: The missiles within the battery contribute significantly, with an estimated total of $690 million1.
To put this into perspective, a single Patriot Advanced Capability – 3 Missile Segment Enhancement (PAC-3 MSE) round, which is part of the Patriot system, costs approximately $4 million.

But HEY it’s only our taxes and future debts, what a DEAL as Aesop says to keep the Russians humbled.

I’m not as Smart as Aesop but I think we’ve gone hand to hand with the proverbial Tar Baby.

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago

Whenever God Shines His Light -- YouTube David a little light for the burden.

kal kal
kal kal
11 months ago

We need to sack most every member in the CON-gress along with the liberal democratic and RINO mayors and governors that are bringing the country to its knees.

11 months ago

The Donbass /Crimea has not lost huge numbers even though they have been fighting the Ukraine since 2014 and that comprises most of what will be part of the Russian Federation. The remains of 404 will be a neutered state making a largely empty buffer zone. NATO may cease to exist (hopefully). Just possibly the US will have an opportunity to recover our Constitutional Republic.