I Can’t Wait for the Book


Someday after the next civil war is over, the dust will settle and books will be written about this fool whom the communist have put in office with their temporary coup. However, we will not have to wait for the book in order for patriots to fight the traitors who have usurped our country, culture and freedom.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

Let us hope the DemonicRats will become so embarassed by this usurper’s senility that he will be forced to stay in the basement. Then they wil be forced to push The Kamelho into the spotlight.
I’m buying popcorn futures because there is gonna be one heck of a demand as the White House Follies get into gear…..

3 years ago

That would explain alot. I guess he’s got Mr. Jingles in his pocket.

3 years ago

Hello Everyone:
France has a very interesting National Anthem. When we are victorious, people around the world may want to alter their own anthems to express similar thoughts and sentiments. It has been banned on and off throughout the century’s by their despicable governing authority’s. Can’t fathom why? 🤔 🤣 🥰 😄
A brief version in English. Full lyrics in the show notes.
France’s Anthem In Englishhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f525.svg Lyrics For The Time “La Marseillaise” https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f30d.svg France’s Rally’s (odysee.com)