I Did Not Know that NATO Had a Defense Treaty with Israel

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ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
2 months ago

Anything to get WWIII rolling. Whatever it takes.

kal kal
kal kal
1 month ago

NATO, a war mongering, racketeering, globalist machine. Let Israel stand or fall on its own feet.

B the blogger
B the blogger
2 months ago

Israel is not a NATO member.
I am somewhat torn on this. On the one hand, they need help against the big boys.

On the other hand, it might start WorldWar III… A hot one.
On the other hand, they aren’t really an ally of anyone, except at need.
On the other hand, someone is bankrolling their attackers.

At this point I am out of paws….

2 months ago

Of course. “ Our greatest ally “.

2 months ago

How casually do these “psychopaths in suits” bluster, threaten and facilitate a much wider war footing, ratcheting up the tensions in the M.E., instead of seeking ways to de-escalate what is happening in real time!

F. Them. All.

Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
2 months ago

‘Generals gathered in their masses…’
Ozzy was right.

2 months ago
Reply to  Mike in Canada

Smedley Butler was right.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
2 months ago

We are forgetting one thing. God is not going to let anything happen to Israel. If any country is smart they will help Israel. God said He will bless them that bless Israel and curse them that curse Israel

2 months ago
Reply to  Al Buckner

Would you explain to me how the United States are being blessed right now?

Ben Trolone
Ben Trolone
1 month ago
Reply to  Al Buckner

I’m not so sure of that. Weren’t they kicked out of the land *twice* by God Himself? There are plenty on non-Zionist jews that believe and profess that the jews have no right to even one square inch of the land until their messiah comes and restores them to the land. I suggest you read Deutoronomy 28 -- 31 and measure their current status against *all* the promised curses listed. Are they being blessed according to the scriptures?
Jesus told us that you will know a tree by it’s fruit. What are their fruits? Bolshevism? Feminism? Pornography? Trandgenderism? There are plenty more.

Last edited 1 month ago by Ben Trolone
1 month ago
Reply to  Ben Trolone

zionist pigs own the USA…..and do not give one shit about how many American soldiers die in the ME…Many of you fools have been brainwashed by the zionist God hating pigs! All you keyboard warriors…I hope all your children are on the front lines..
F-ck israel….hope you keyboard warriors are the first on your block to have your childern brought home in a box…..Awesome lyrics…;-) Brainwashed…noncritical thinking morons…Period!

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
1 month ago
Reply to  Al Buckner

Israel is the spiritual and the physical seed of Jacob. The talmudic, khazarian, zionists that now call themselves jews and occupy the physical land of Israel are not of the seed of Jacob. They are blasphemers of the highest order. Check Rev 2:9 and Rev 3:9 for what Jesus has to say about those “who say they are Jews but are not and do lie”. This is the same crowd that teaches that “if you’re not communist, you’re a fascist”, which is the ill logic they use to keep sleepy “conservatives” on their heels with vehement accusations. The zionists are luciferian, and they occupy the holy land for the purpose of when the third temple is built they can usher in the anti christ as their messiah. Also, Christians don’t get “extra credit” for sponsoring a bunch of imposter luciferians.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 month ago
Reply to  Al Buckner

Helping and Blessing Israel could mean teaching them of the Messiah, telling their people where they went off track same as our own in the USA and Britain, all Tribes of Israel when one gets down to it. All three Nations seem to have very much lost their way. Only pain and utter destruction it would seem can bring them back to their knees.
If He has returned (His Holy Spirit) why would so many be anticipating and waiting causing His return once again?
His Spirit is available to be within us right now! He has been waiting for us.
‘True’ repentance and change of our hearts , our minds is what is needed and warranted. Driving us to our knees seems to be the last resort.
So much in this that is relevant for us and our children. imho.
Why do they not repent? They are drunk (Delusion Yah brings this upon the people)on the wine of Babylon, and do not recognize what time it is, nor what they themselves are doing and very much a part of!
Do not take Rexes word for it. If you have questions on things (Pine Trees etc.) look it up (multiple sources) and Use discernment for your selves. It is important to see how many have been led astray throughout many generations!

Last edited 1 month ago by a follower, working on it.
1 month ago

I am trying to figure out how, after who knows how many hours listening to cable news and surfing the internet, that I could not hear at least one “talking head” mention that this treaty exists. I certainly “didn’t get the memo.” Is this a credible report? Why hasn’t someone mentioned this with all of the coverage of the missile attacks. This makes absolutely no sense.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 month ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

Have you heard the term Non NATO Ally ? Looks like there are 7 Non NATO allies.
President Reagan is credited with bring Israel in to this.