The plan:
- Eliminate the middle class through debt, inflation and taxes.
- Eliminate dissent by controlling social media and incarcerating political prisoners.
- Eviscerate the churches by greed to push false doctrine and man’s laws.
- Indoctrinate our children using educational infrastructure.
- Steal elections using voter fraud.
- Blackmail Congress to inaugurate false leaders.
- Open the borders to a worldwide invasion.
- Marginalize the military through a woke agenda and immune systems compromised by the vaxx. Fight endless wars to deplete our armaments and equipment.
- Allow illegal aliens to vote in elections.
- Control the government through invalid elections and tyranny.
What say you to this overthrow of our Liberty?
David DeGerolamo
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Of course protecting the borders of Israel, Ukraine and Egypt is far more important than protecting the borders of the FUSA. Remember to be a republican you must first be a democrat then pretend to be a conservative republican. Who is $ John Galt?
…and you must kiss the butt of AIPAC!
And wear the small hat & kowtow at the Wailing Wall.
Keep our cash flow herein this country, close the borders. Take care of our own. Get rid of our current government. To start….
I have one vote left to me by the founding fathers. You only get to vote this way once so consider how, when, why, and where you cast it. VOTE: 308 & FREEDOM
You bet foot in the forest, vote 308 for freedom.
America is bankrupt. Humanitarian aid is great if we could afford it, but we can’t. We should start charging admission at the border. They pay the drug cartels to get them to our border, why can’t they pay us to let them in?
F##K langford and the rest of his comrades, rope is all that comes to mind and plenty of it.
Put in on Pay per View…
They would make history with the amount of people watching.
…Billions up billions! The American Bastille Day!
I want to see them hang 100 at a time. Maybe even us the largest Morbark and shred the bastards in 3 seconds each.
Lankford seems to me to be a globalist pos. Pretty sure he hits for the other team as well, based on the plastic surgery he appears to get. At any rate, he is of little risk of losing his place in line at whatever island the intel agencies take their minions to now that Epshtein Island has been shuttered.
Author Larry Romanoff stated in his essay, The Power Behind the Throne,”
Jews are not hesitant about openly demanding obedience from members of the US Congress, nor do they shrink from punishing the disobedient. As I noted in a previous essay on the Deep State,[1] US Congressmen and Senators are literally forced to sign an oath of allegiance to Israel and the Jews at the risk of losing the next election. It is hardly a secret that today the main prerequisite for election to any US government position is a firm public commitment to the Jews’ agenda, whatever that may include.
We can easily identify the same patterns in finance and banking, in corporate legislation, in social policies dealing especially with abortion, education, gender and sexual matters, in food safety legislation, in the pharmaceutical world, and much more. In all these areas, there are Jews leading the process, very often from behind the scenes but increasingly done in the open. The Jews’ absolute domination of all mainstream media, social media, Internet searching, book and magazine publishing, and advertising, ensures their total information control and thus public perceptions.
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Author is Larry Romanoff
Their plan seems to be working pretty good.
“What say you to this overthrow of our Liberty?”
Cancel the authors of “the plan,”
Since patriots have failed to organize and collaborate on a state-to-state scale. We should expect to fight a million Alamos from our homes and neighborhoods. The invasion is in full force. Are you prepared to fight. I mean really prepared to fight.
We shall see.
Are we prepared to fight? When I look around me, I see neighbors totally oblivious to what is taking place.
They sicken me.
It is my considered opinion that TPTB should initiate an “Operation Warp Speed” -- type program to greatly increase the velocity of these ten initiatives; it is all going much too slowly. Let’s get this thing over with.
Please do not consider this post a lark. Far from it. You asked the question and this is an honest answer. As I’ve been saying for years now, there is (and will be) no mass awakening. There is (and will be) no more than a relative handful of individuals willing to call out the bad guys, much less – willing to fight. I would much prefer them to kick it in to high gear rather than draw things out for years more.
Given the choice between freedom and sandwiches, the American Sheeple will choose sandwiches. My question is this: What happens when the Leviathan runs out of sandwiches? Plan accordingly.
You are making a lot of assumptions. I will make it simple: war is coming, they want us dead. Train and plan accordingly.
Number of border crossers now outnumber U.S. birth rate: