I Guess That’s That

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2 days ago

Music to my ears. Let it all fall down.

2 days ago

As that great military leader and philosopher, John “Hannibal” Smith, said to his esteemed colleague, Mr. T, “I love it when a plan comes together!”

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
2 days ago

Every try to get an old guy with dementia to give up his car keys?

Daniel K Day
Daniel K Day
2 days ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

Pastor Guest, for some reason your comment came up with a “Click to Edit” and “Request Deletion” on my screen. Just FYI.

2 days ago
Reply to  Daniel K Day

….well then maybe YOU need to give up your car keys……just sayin !

Daniel K Day
Daniel K Day
2 days ago
Reply to  mrapp

They’re gone now, but I swear, they were there before. They were!!

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
2 days ago
Reply to  mrapp

A couple of years ago I was talking with our oldest son about how as a pastor I have had to help families with this problem. I made the comment that if there came a time when I was unable to drive that I would volunteer to give up my keys. He casually pulled out his phone and said, “Let me get this on video”.

kal kal
kal kal
2 days ago

beware the grand news, for it may hide another play in motion!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 days ago
Reply to  kal kal

Winner winner chicken dinner.
Nothing in politics happens by accident.

Just Sven
Just Sven
2 days ago

I’ve warned this many times, but no one seems to listen.
Watch the VP pick.

2 days ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Which sides VP pick?

Just Sven
Just Sven
1 day ago
Reply to  Crawfisher


2 days ago

The pedo won’t quit til he has laundered the money in the campain fund.

1 day ago

I, for one, ABSOLUTELY do not want PedoJoeBuyDem to drop out.
A. He and Dr JekylJill are becoming so pathetically entertaining, those selling popcorn are making a killing. Bravo individual entrepreneurs ! We definitely don’t want to stop your income stream !!
B. If they find anyone else to run, that person would naturally be light years better and would therefor be a much harder to beat opponent. Plus, with a much shorter time between now and the election, it will be very difficult to fully research and then publish and create effective countering ads showing why that candidate is a bad choice for America’s voters.
C. Leaving PedoJoe on the ballot ties the DemonicRats to KamelHo and keeps the Demonics from bringing a new face forward. Even the Demonics are not stupid enough to push KamelHo onto the nation as a presidential candidate !!  However, they do have WoeBama and Congresslime James Clyburn (black political-mafia Don who controls blacks and how they are told to vote by black churches and other charlatans like Al Sharpton) who will resist dropping KamelHo. These influential blacks are wedded to keeping KamelHo on the ticket lest the DemonicRats split with loss of disaffected blacks turning on the party. See: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/07/02/key-biden-control-officer-says-kamala-harris-must-not-be-worked-around-if-biden-removes-himself/?lctg=38374249
D. Our allies are all aghast at seeing the US self-destructing at the hands of PedoJoe, whom all must remember was the Magical WoeBama Peace Prizer’s choice as to who he wanted to follow him (BuyDem was well known for his soft brain making it easy to control him). The European-libtard supporters are just now waking up to the destruction that Libtard policies bring and are voting in their current elections for more and more Conservative leadership. I am excepting the UK where the Conservative-in-name-only party is self-destructing due to lack of any standards that they believe in….. besides the Moslems will soon control all guvamints in major cities, so 3d world Hell-holes will be the norm found in Britain.
E. This is the most important reason which I saved for the end:  
1. If the Demonics know that EVERYBODY KNOWS Pedojoe BuyDem is a drooling vegetable, and yet they run him for office, they are saying to their voters that they do not care what the voters want. This will split off the realists from the fantasy-thinkers/Global Warning Hoaxers and other assorted communists. It will fracture the cobbled together victims groups that make up those voting for the Demonics because “you guys promised us ____________ so we’d vote for you.”
2. Already PedoJoe’s position on Israel is fracturing the pro-Hamas/Moslem-lover wing of the party. The LGBTWXZ crowd, Queers For Gaza, is already being smashed in street confrontations with the Moslem-lovers…. ain’t that just entertaining ?? I can hardly wait for the August DNC Convention to see the dust-ups and street fighting. Popcorn time ahead !!
3. By running PedoJoe & KamelHo as candidates, the citizenry will clearly see that The Trumpeter is the best choice. Also they will see that so few go to PedoJoe rallies and all will know how he is responsible for this bad economy. Already we see most of the propaganda media now stating that PedoJoe must go and that he is incompetent and incontinent, among other things. They will not be able to paper over or cover up for the obvious state of vegetation in the White House. Trump will hammer home the incompetence factor and will have the video ads to show as proof.
4. To understand this next point you need to know what I have been saying for the past two years, namely that: “Regardless of who is declared the winner of the November 5th presidential contest, there will be, within six months, chaos and riots and blood will run in the streets like we have never before experienced”. Nether side will accept the results of the election which will lead to the bloodshed. However, the remainder of this 4th point (below) may change my all too accurate assessment (IMHO).
     a. With it obvious that “the King has no clothes” , and no brain (hat tip to Hans Christian Anderson’s Tale), it will be apparent that in 2020 the Demonics cheated in their DemonicRat controlled cities….. and we all know that they will cheat again to stuff ballots…..it is what they do, isn’t it ?? When the citizenry and the world sees the cheating, they will not accept PedoJoe as President nor will the spineless state legislatures, who will be forced to send the GOP Electors’ slate/vote to the Senate or perhaps, not send any Elector slate/vote if it cannot be determined who won that state by the due date. Boy, will that open a flood of legal challenges and rioting from the left.
      b. American voters may be lazy and uninformed, but they are not ignorant of the need for justice and fair play. Rent-a-Riot types (Soros. etc.) who hire the thugs to riot, pillage, and burn will not have the support of the people. That will cause weak-kneed city politicians and Libtard Guvernators to have to call out the National Guard and put maximum pressure on the police and prosecutors to lock ’em up and keep ’em there. Militias of citizens will form to stop rioters from arriving in towns or even cities. The disturbances will have the wrong optics because the Demonics lack the moral high ground, thus, the citizenry will turn against the rioters and those behind them. In some cities ardent DemonicRats will shelter in place because the locals will begin to blame them for the “troubles”.
So, I do have high hopes that PedoJoe stays in the race and as a result, our Nation does not suffer “…blood in the streets…”. We GOP must push the overwhelming belief that Trump is, by a wide margin & is by far, the legitimate winner of the 2024 race, if we are to escape leftist in the streets violence.