I Hate Three Day Holiday Weekends

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1 month ago

It is my observation that the US can’t stop China from taking Taiwan. When the Chinese decide the time is right, they will move. Nearly half of Taiwanese would accept merger with mainland China. China can cut us off of nearly all of our medicines. The war would hurt us more than China. We would lose. And then what about Japan and South Korea? The Middle East? Ukraine? The Hegemon is nearly dead. Good riddance.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
1 month ago
Reply to  Nobody

There are two main countries that pharmaceuticals are manufactured in--the main one being China in the Shanghai region. The other being in India. Any war with China would see a halt to critical drugs (not just psychoactive stuff) that is needed here in the USA… like heart medications and cancer treatment drugs. Just to let you know that some of these high-priced medicines that cost literally pennies per pound to manufacture in China--sell for times times their weight in gold here. You read that right. This is the result of shipping jobs overseas which began in the 1980’s when we were sold a load of baloney that we were transforming into an “information society” (whatever that meant).

kal kal
kal kal
1 month ago

along with 90+% of consumer goods coming from China. As for narco-meds, large portions of the base ingredients are bought from China too.

kal kal
kal kal
1 month ago
Reply to  Nobody

actually, at last polling I saw, 67% are in favor of a return to the mainland. Only the ruling democrat party is fighting it.

1 month ago

Say goodbye to the nano chip supply.

kal kal
kal kal
1 month ago
Reply to  bogsidebunny

joey did that the last week, 100% tariff on chips, semi-conductors, solar panels and EV.