BREAKING: #ITVGate has uncovered a massive pyramid of payments from Astrazeneca and Pfizer to doctors in the UK. The same doctors that told you the vaccines were safe and effective and we were all in this together. Oh and don't forget to clap, every Thursday, while we rehearse…
— Dr David Cartland (@CartlandDavid) May 10, 2024
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Every one of these demon infested dogs is deserving of death!!!
Come on, forget about it they were just doing their job. They are purveyors of death and genocide, every last one of them, I do not look at them any of them in the same light. Lots and lots of rope are needed.
Years ago when I was in college, one of the assistant coaches for the lacrosse team was a medical doctor. It was unusual to see a late 30s MD with free time to coach and travel with the team. When I asked him about it, he replied that he came from a family of doctors and loved practicing medicine but was leaving the profession because it was becoming more and more about managed care and profit and less and less about patient care. That was in the late ’80s.
Absolutely. Corporate “health care” destroyed the ancient and honorable art of Hippocrates, of doctoring.
A free press is equally free to print the truth or ignore it. Volumes have been written about and spoken of the fatal and deleterious effects of the jab. Millions have died or are permanently disabled. Yet where is the outrage? Where are the massive demonstrations? Where is the defenestration of the corrupt political hacks and public health collectivists who forced this on the sheeple, normies, and cucks? When people start dropping dead in the streets in significant numbers maybe the Great Unwashed will wake up and take notice. I doubt it. They still have their bread and circuses. So sad and pathetic.
This is why I have no faith in doctors and avoid seeing them unless absolutely necessary. Always advocate for yourself when dealing with the med/pharma industrial complex.
Two things I don’t trust Doctors and Politicians
Typical criminal cult tactics- force someone to commit a crime they can’t walk back from, and you own them.