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- Michael on Elon Musk
- Magrit on Expose All of Them
- Bad_Brad on Go Ahead Canada, Make Our Day
- Bad_Brad on Expose All of Them
- Richard on Elon Musk
Yep, we should live in real -Ville. i survive and maintain by seeing the silver lining and being grateful too the Father above. Being fore warned can be, should be a blessing.
Perhaps even all the fear and fear mongering is also a blessing of sorts? Jude 1-23?
Danial 12: 10 Many shall be cleansed and made white, and refined. But the wrong shall do wrong- and none of the wrong shall understand, but those who have insight shall understand.
Revelation 22:14 Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter the city by its gates. 15But outside are the dogs, the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
None of the wrong shall understand? Can we see this?
Nice job with the Greek links. Removes all doubts.
The kids going hungry thing is all the parents fault. There are so many programs to feed people. Then there is the piss poor choices parent make.
mrapp, first I doubt he is a mental deficient as defined by your term Moron.
Second, I try to understand that even in a short video or even worse these short replies in comments it’s really HARD to get across subtle ideas and such.
Third I suspect folks learn more about a situation and even change their minds about things.
I’d welcome Southern Prepper 1 at my campfire. He has been more correct than most folks.
Folks need to wake up and understand that by staying divided by the phony behavior of the Republicans and Democrats just makes us ineffective as a group. The R’s and D’s are just two wings on the same carrion bird that is feasting on the corpse of our dying Republic.
Folks are going to be getting hungry and angry as the Bread and Circuses runs out of bread (literally).
Sacrifice and unity is what a tribe needs to pull through times of troubles.
Praying for wisdom
mrapp you asked:
“what would have happened if ALL THE PEOPLE would have put there foot down and said NO to this war.?”
I suspect EXACTLY what is going on Right Now. Our Stolen Election “Leadership” has near zero interest in what “The People” say. Power and Money are their Gods.
Ukraine has a awful lot of “interesting” as in Chinese Curse things going on. Pelosi’s kid, Biden’s Kid, Kerry’s Kid and I understand quite a few more have WELL Paying Advisory (no skills needed) jobs in Ukraine as we speak.
Most of the “AID” we “Send” to Ukraine evaporates before it passes outside the good ole USA into various scratch my back grifter situations.
That and the Biolabs “proven” by dear Aesop to be Harmless seem to be quite a different animal as well as the captured NATO-USA Military Officer basement dwellers from Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol.
I’ve had to change my mind more than a few times with all the propaganda going on. It’s deep as in Deep State level.
Southern Prepper 1’s post was about working together, sacrifice and Unity.
So when you refer to an very intelligent gentleman as a Moron, I don’t think that fits in the idea of Unity and Teamwork.
Team members don’t call each other Morons and destroy their reputations, especially when Southern Prepper 1 cannot even respond to your comments. Some might call that backbiting.
And you wonder why folks busted you last time?
mrapp in my experience folks that talk about “putting their foot down” on the internet never do anything.
Or they belong to the “lets you and him fight” club.
Maybe your different, time will tell.
You don’t wonder but you ASKED? So, I answered. Curious.
Your point is moot, everybody posting here is influencing folks. For good or bad all influence.
I suggest you secure more food as things are getting weird out here. Today I planted 16 more Potatoe hills, took care of my critters, pruned my berries and fruit trees. Misted my warm weather starts, tomatoes are looking good. And I peppered the backside of a groundhog. Maybe later if grocery stores get skinny, I’ll put out my traps as I’ve eaten groundhog before. Tasty.
Tempus Fugit