I Just Had a Terrible Thought

Will America Die On Her Feet, or Will We Continue to Bend Over?

What if the pResident actually believes in something that he is willing to die for? Or rather become a martyr? And what if this “cause” is the destruction of the United States in order to establish a Muslim caliphate?

However, someone may have another explanation that accounts for his following actions:

1. Alienated every one of our traditional allies.

2. Supports the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and FSA (ISIS).

3. Opened the southern border allowing mass migration of people from across the world: including Muslim terrorists.

4. Promoted a false flag attack in Syria last summer.

5. Released five prominent terrorists from Gitmo.

6. Is currently transporting illegal aliens throughout the country without checking for diseases.

7. Has unarmed our border agents: no ammunition for training and orders not to shoot.

8. Has overseen the largest spending spree by the federal government in the history of our nation.

9. Has ignored the Constitution and has publicly stated that he will rule by executive order.

10. Has destroyed the command structure of our military.

So what if he is willing to become a martyr to gain everlasting “glory”? Then the question becomes: what are you willing to die for?

David DeGerolamo

More food for thought from Wes:

Will America Die On Her Feet, or Will We Continue to Bend Over?

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10 years ago

I’ve had some of those terrible thoughts, myself. And I’ve long suspect Soetero has a scheme to subjugate American sovereignty to the UN, and get himself “promoted” to president of that criminal enterprise.

Perhaps I’d also add…

11. Bows to Saudi royalty.
12. Thinks Musloid Call to Prayer is the most beautiful sound.
13. Rammed State healthcare down citizens’ throats, to more-effectively control those citizens
14. Sought to undermine 2nd Amendment, disarm citizens, militarize federal bureaus
15. Crippled US energy production, while subsidizing Brazilian, Chinese, OPEC, etc.
16. Used IRS against American citizens & groups
17. Sued states over their own efforts to enforce border security
18. Actively cultivated a weakened global image of America
19. Capitulated to Russian aggression
20. Surrounded and advised by Communists and Musloids

It kills me when I hear some pundit over at Faux News act all surprised at the coincidental bad results of his supposedly benign policy decisions, as if Soetero’s moves are anything but predictable.

Tom Angle
10 years ago

If he has beliefs that he is willing to die for, then he is a better man than a vast majority in this country and my hat goes off to him.

Tom Angle
10 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I did not say I liked him or agreed with him. But if he is willing to die for what he believes in that is more than can be said for most American males.

Teri Anderson
Teri Anderson
10 years ago

I think Obama is too narcissistic to allow himself to be martyred. However, I don’t doubt he’s part of a devious plan to wreck and subjugate America.

10 years ago

[…] Well, we can pause a moment to thank Obama for his contribution to the "very fabric of our nation": I Just Had a Terrible Thought | NCRenegade […]