Slash the bureaucracy, bring in prosperity. Simple as.
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) February 20, 2024
Congrats @jmilei!
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- Big Ruckus D on Ukraine
- DWEEZIL THE WEASEL on Excellent Points
- DWEEZIL THE WEASEL on Get Rid of the FBI
- David Bovender on Excellent Points
- Michael on Ukraine
Musk eliminated 8 out of 10 jobs at Twatter, and its running better than ever.
What do you think the ratio for government employees is?
99 to 1
Easier to say than done! I’m a widow. Live alone. Have grandchildren and my pets to care for. What can I do from home?
Did you post on the wrong article? I’m unsure how your comment matches up with Argentina dumping the bureaucracy and finally having some financial surplus.
What are your skills if your serious about asking for advice.
Ditto to Michael’s comment & tell your children &grandchildren what u believe- hopefully your pets are more than lapdogs, tell family and like minded and valued folks they have shelter if needed ( assuming your house is paid up or otherwise secured)
Cutting bureaucracy and fedgov bloat is always a good start. But this surplus blip on a paper/budgetary read is grossly oversimplifying things.
The illustrative value of ARG is not in this short-term austerity package but rather in the dangers of a culture of entitlement and corruption, cronyism and State monetary policy shaped by that, entering into “business” with the IMF and FUSA global banking cartels, and ultimately the collapse of domestic productivity and infrastructure that leads to the unserviceable debt spiral.
Sounds familiar. See also Greece. Or coming soon, Heritage America.
The current austerity and debt restructure dates back to 2001. Or even ’76 when ARG was under military dictatorship. Then in ’83 when democracy was restored but at the cost of running deficits and floating a lot of debt that continued until the great depression in 98 that also took down Russia and Brazil in similar ways. 50% in poverty. 28% decline in total economy. Mass unemployment. Protests. etc.
More debt accrued. The economy never really recovered. Animosity between labor and govt. Ect.
When ARG collapsed again in 2001 resulting in a default on $82B in sovereign debt the current trajectory of debt-collapse was set in motion There was a restructuring in 2005 that led to yet another in 2010 that crammed most bond holders to 30 cents on the dollar and got the US/IMF involved.
By the 2010 restructure after the ’05 mess the US-led consortium placed ARG sovereign into US holding corporations subject to US laws to avoid the past unpleasantness and to shore up confidence. Which in economic hitman speak means trojan horse. By 2015 the US-led banking cabal helped install US-aligned Maurico Macri.
In 2018 this arrangement collapsed and enter the IMF with a $57B bailout package making ARG the largest debtor to the fund. Other conditions were set like decoupling the central bank from the treasury. Public debt increased.
ARG defaulted again in 2020. In Nov of 2023 just prior to the elections, the IMF “concerned” over the burn rate on the restructured $44B loan fund, again stepped in ‘did some things’.
The current budget surplus reflects the forced austerity program but also includes another $10B of public debt. And a 20-year high of 57% poverty rate. Up from 49% just prior. The drought hitting the soy markets exasperated all of this as well.
ARG is now in the grinder with the IMF and losing its labor, increasing disparity, etc. The typical solution is to begin hypothecating public assets not already pledged, privatizing assets and natural resources, more long-term debt to cover agricultural concerns that will likely convert to gblobocap receivership in which globocorps begin to take ownership.
Long story, but the “Twitter Takes” fail to account for the real threats, the real timeline. Which is what we should be noticing vis a vis our own trajectory and what happens once you fall off the horse, drunk on debt.
Part of the Thucydides’ Trap I refer too is when the “Military Might” aspect of your nation FAILS, the rest of the worlds interest in your “Backed by FULL FAITH and Credit” of the US Government also FAILS.
Afghanistan, Ukraine and so on didn’t help and the Hothi’s a tiny weak Arab country defeating the “Mighty US NAVY” *might* be the proverbial final straw.
SNIP: Full faith and credit is an unsecured method of backing debt based on trust and reputation. Governments offer issue bonds backed only by their ability to collect taxes and other revenues in the future.
The US Government has used rule of law (velvet glove over FORCE) to make the US Dollar “Legal Tender for all debts public and private”.
The Kissinger Petro-Dollar with the House of Saud made the US Dollar the only legal tender for Oil for decades. Thus, the WORLDS RESERVE CURRENCY.
Now, the Saudi’s accept many forms of payment for Oil, weakening the Petro-Dollar. They are in direct discussions about accepting the Chinese Yuan DIRECTLY as payment as we speak. Currently China is dumping their US Treasury Bills to use the dollars for oil and other REAL WORLD VALUE things like food and such.
Argentina was once a up and coming rising star country BEFORE Socialism and its various ills ran it over and left it dead on the road of progress.
The World Reserve Currency has changed many times in history. The result to the previous countries standard of living was AH, BAD.
The Pound Sterling of England was once World Reserve Currency, their NAVY Ruled the Waves. Now they have a pair of barely serviceable frigates constantly on patrol and two “Carriers” WITHOUT Aircraft (US Marine Air Wings abord) and their “Public Health Medical system is a fine example of just how BAD socialized medicine can get.
Coming soon to a nation near you.
IF the US Dollar suddenly dropped in value to the Mexican Peso how would that affect YOUR Lifestyle? For FUN go to Amazon and change the currency to Mexican Peso and think of the dollar at the same rate.
The Mandibles fiction story might look pretty nice.
Protect your trusted friends and trusted family.
Funny about that, isn’t it? If you don’t spend it all, you’ll have a little left! Amazing!
Amazing how that worked!