Is that a Navy colt she’s holding? Look she’s holding it correctly not sideways.
8 years ago
I believe they are putting Harriet Tubman on the bill to pander to blacks and because the US $20 bill will be worthless shortly. The unsolved colour problem in America will cost her dearly.
Goldman Sachs was down 40% for this first Quarter, Intel just laid off 12 thousand people. The Chinese are planning to float ther own international currency, Britain is fleeing from the Europeans as the Arabs flood it, The Saudi’s are plotting and threatening to remove their investments, last but not least, our entire economy is a debtors economy with no industry or manufacturing. That owes trillions. We will be all slaves to that $20 bill. Lol.
The founders were reluctant to follow Jeffetsons advise and abolish the crime of slavery. While he yielded to them he had enough political sense to say this after the fight was lost to abolish. “I tremble when I think that God is just” he wasn’t trembling for the blacks or the whites but for the Republic because he realized that they were violating one of their main principles right at the very beginning. Today we have outlawed segregation but unfortunately anti-discrimination can’t be legislated.
It’s important to understand what it is about the black person that creates a problem in society. We are the visible minority, while American assimilated its European poor and so called low classed populations over time because they were able to visually disappear into the collective. THE BLACK VISIBILITY CANNOT BE CHANGED, It is unalterable and permanent. To argue that these are just exterior appearances isn’t logical as it is appearances that show up in public. No one who has preset notions about black women for instance, should see my inner gifts,or great brain or soft and living heart. All are mine to expose as I wish to the public space. Now after speaking to me, one may change their “view” of me, someone who is willing to accept diverse groups may find that the preconceived ideas are wrong. The brain then does its adjustment to this information.
Now say you see a cute little white Miss., she’s running down the street, blond hair swinging, only thing that may enter your mind is nice hair colour or oh man she’s slim, she must work out daily.. You go off down the road into your own life and it’s over…that is the security of the mundane, visually, nothing triggered you to think “that girl is running to find her oxycontin dealer or her Heroin fix, yet in places throughout American right now many Caucasian people are dying daily just as the Crack epidemic caused the death and dysfunctional lives of many blacks. In fact in New York stop and frisk and broken windows policing was aimed at this very fundamental issue. Visibility.
Back to the $20, if you “see” blacks as one thing or another it will impact how you like the $20 bill. For me I don’t care what black sits, if any on the $20 I just want to be able to collect my $20 out the bank before it collapses. Money is a construct that is based on trust. Do you trust a bill with a Underground Railroad that is taking away your labour force up North? Lol
Really quickly I’d like to say. This visibility thing is also happening right now with the LBGTQ people. At one of the rallies to allow transgendered people to use gender appropriate bathrooms, I saw a person that looked like a multicolored decorated hamster.. My brain immediately, yelled hell no, that thing needs to pee outside.. That’s my right to think and feel that way. I wouldn’t want that whatever it was to meet up on my grand children in any bathroom..I’m sure there are people who “see” black peoples and feel just like that, as is their right. This just goes to show that the techniques and laws that worked to allow integrated bathrooms use for blacks, when used for LBGTQ can create the exact opposite of what is right and fair for the weakest among us, our children. It is only the visualization of a white man or woman dressed in what I always knew as “drag” that would trigger that fight or flight response for an individual who finds Transgendered humans a problem. Are all transgendered people dangerous, parasitic humans are who want to take over our bathrooms and turn all our kids “gay”? Of course not. Same thing for the blacks, we may be easy to spot but we all don’t want you Sharjng bathrooms with us, pissing in fear or pissing for territory. Some of us don’t want any part in the madness, not the fluffy LGBTQ hamster, or the political agendas that push them or the average white man that sees me as a N word. As my mom taught me to say I only carry the colour I’m not part of the scheme.
We are all one family with extended family members we do not like and often don’t understand.
8 years ago
Rani -- I couldn’t post on the original thread…so here is my overdue response to your last ping to my pong…Mark -- Have a great night!
Oh my, so heartfelt sorry for your loss…there are no words…
Your other wonderful children sound amazing…I will remember them and you in my prayers tonight. I smiled at the pride in your adjectives about them!!! I have a 38 year old daughter who is the joy of my life Everyone’s testimony is like their fingerprint unique to them. I never try to walk a mile in other people’s moccasins…have made way too many missteps off the path in my own.
One of my closest friends had two abortions and then two daughters (all with her husband & they are still together with a solid marriage) and now six grandchildren. She and he are as Pro-Life as anyone can be. She would give anything to have done what you did both times…but she is also a forgiven Christian and has embraced the cross…she put her two abortions at the foot…regret yes, consequences yes, guilt-she is human-sure, but she has the Peace that Knows No Understanding…and there is only one source for that……the Triune God.
I agree with you on the double mint hustler twins and their single sided coin…heads its racism…tails its racism…pay me before we flip it or the Rainbow Collation will picket and the PC infected media is in on the blackmail. I see many strong black conservative leaders and voices…but I don’t see the masses of blacks supporting them or agreeing – I see too many still clinging to victim-hood…and that will get them yesterday’s newspaper and a warm can of beer.
On your PS about my poems: I wrote all of them in my 20’s in the 70’s and many have been published…some and two short stories in a national publication others in an anthology by multiple Nam Vet authors. PTSD (at least with me) became a decision to do what my friend with the two abortions did…lay it at the foot of the cross.
Here is one I’ll close with that is about Big Jim, and Tennessee, as well as Sticks, Tex, Billy, LT, Gary, Super Jew (he had the heart of a lion), Tabor, Chief, JL and the Nicky New Guy who was KIA on his first day and who’s name I never knew…
The Unwritten Poem, By the Forgotten Man
Remember the night we first met
and I kept staring
you thought I liked your girlfriend
instead of you
but I didn’t
remember our first date
the picnic at the park
you pushed me in the pond
and laughed while I almost drowned
but I didn’t
remember the first time we made love
it just happened by itself
you were afraid
and thought I was using you
but I didn’t
remember that summer night
we held each other and cried
because we were so happy
and you thought we were being silly
but I didn’t
remember that big fight
and the things we said we didn’t mean
I drove away cursing
and you thought we’d break up
but I didn’t
remember our wedding day
and the joy we shared
we held one another all night
and kissed for hours
you said I fell asleep first
but I didn’t
remember when I answered the call
how brave you were
we talked about our plans
the children we would have
and the life we would live
when I came home from Viet Nam
but I didn’t
Thank you for your thoughtful words on my losses. I remain strong in the Name of the most high.
Your poems, they are very good. Filled with the emotions, life love enemies and death. Very human. On the level of Rudyard Kipling, his works on World War One and Two is who you remind me of. I used to write too, not published though.
Thank you Rani -- that was sweet…. here is one that has moved some tough Nam Vets to tears…my big picture statement.
The Babies of the Boom
We are the children of heroes
who had been weaned
on the thin gruel of the depression
their manhood forged
in the inferno
of a world on fire
the war of their youth
as simple and righteous
as survival, victory and freedom
We are the Babies of the Boom
breast fed on the promise
of our father’s GI Bill
and the Mickey Mouse Club
the first generation
nurtured on the tube, inspired
by John Wayne, John Kennedy
and the echoes
of our Father’s glories
free, because of the tradition
of the American Citizen Soldier, Sailor, Airman & Marine
and the limb
grew strong and straight from the trunk
and the fruit
fell close to the tree
Maturing with the promise of Camelot
our power was invincible
our ideals pure
our fear naïve
our courage blind…
led by the Whiz Kids
the Best of the Brightest
we would follow the tradition
of the American Citizen Soldier, Sailor, Airman & Marine
we would
Ask not what our country could do for us
what we could do for our country
we went and did it
not our turn to serve America
our chance!
Much and many were lost
leaving us trapped
with the festering residue
of what men throughout the ages
who have survived combat
discover to their horror…
so much
so very, very much
about themselves
that is best not known
A generation
of Americana Citizen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen & Marines
that wasn’t betrayed
until sprayed
that wasn’t dishonored
until ignored
that wasn’t stressed
until delayed
that wasn’t missing
until abandoned
We found ourselves
defenseless, shocked and surprised
surrounded and ambushed
by our homecoming
by our own people
Our jaded youth
limped home
the stench of death
clinging to our nostrils
blood staining our hands
while the still frame hyper seconds
replayed in endless slow motion
upon the Black Granite Wall
engraved behind our eyelids
with the names of our dead buddies
with the nightmares of our own blood lust
and we were met
by the stares and scorn of the vocal minority
spitting on our sacrifice!
consumed by the simplistic naivete and group think
of the Woodstock floatism
the trendy assembly line non-conformists
scorning us…deriding us…screaming insults from a crowd
who would soon eagerly embrace
all that they raged against
(when it was safe and nothing would be asked of them)
future disco kings & queens & yuppies & dead eyed druggies
and we were met
by the stares and confusion
of the Silent Majority
their label a dubious distinction
their empathy tainted with apathy or even anger at us
a VFW WW2 drunk yelling Nam Vets didn’t bring the flag home!
the generation gap
widening into a chasm
leaving us treated more like victims
than veterans
and we were met
by the ugly stereotypes
the distortions and lies
of the media’s and Hollywood’s portrayal
of the drug crazed guilt ridden
hair trigger former baby killers
walking a thin line
on the edge of society…
ready to flip out
or forced to panhandle
then came the Rambo cartoons
Leaving us on the outside
glaring in
ignored or slandered
our noses pressed against the glass
of America’s window
and now a generation has passed
and my violent youth
time and truth have eroded the stereotypes
“The Wall” honored our fallen
my daughter watched my aging nightmares
in the movies Platoon and Full Metal Jacket
and looked at me questioningly…sadly
“Was the war like that Daddy…for you?”
I dodge her questions
knowing so much
about myself
that is best not known
We were the children of heroes
weaned on the rich broth
of Americanism
our manhood forged
in the inferno
of our warrior’s trial by fire
our time in the arena
and the war of our youth
as simple and timeless as fallen man’s endless sin
not created by God to do to one another what war does
betrayed by those who sent us
betrayed by those who stayed behind
We had a saying when covered with gore: “It don’t mean nothing.”
but that was a brave front…
It meant everything
Like Reni I believe there is a gaggle of Black Swans starting to flap their wings…some possibilities:
The FEDS will further devalue the dollar by printing billions & trillions more – out of thin air – eventually throwing it from helicopters in desperation to keep the greatest credit -- debit -- derivative -- fiat bubble in the history of the world from bursting.
American interest rates will drop to subzero levels and Banks will charge you a percent to keep your money.
The stock & bond markets will crash and the great recession of 2008 becomes the little baby brother of the Tsunami wave derivative crash of the monster recession of 2016/17 (I don’t think they can hold it together until 2018 – they are desperate for a controlled crash but that will not happen).
Hard cash will shrink (if you can even get it) and get harder and harder to find one day finally disappearing as all transactions will become digital (as the Banksters crave complete control over your money).
Eventually the dollar loses its reserve currency status and drops 30% to 50% in value overnight….
The 10 year drain of Gold & Silver to the East from the West rears its head and suddenly a basket of Gold backed foreign currencies rival or surpass the dollar in value…
After the impending financial collapse hits the government declares a Bank Bail-In as allowed by the Dodd Frank bill and signed by Obama in 2010 and all 401ks, IRAs, and all private savings accounts (in a crisis declared by the Feds) become owned by the Banks and you get bank stock instead of your money and the Bank stock is worth about 50% of what your account was…was as in past tense…was as in gone overnight…was as in what the elites did in Greece, and Austria and are planning to do here.
Marshall Law in many cities will have to follow…they have been preparing for that necessity too.
The stage is being set for the greatest wealth/power transfer in the history of the world…and most Americas will not figure it out or understand what happened or be positioned or prepared to survive…let alone prosper until it is long over and they are led to the financial slaughter Baaaahhhhing like the sheeple most of them are.
This is the most concise, yet far ranging and informative interview on what is going on (explained in clear language) and what is going to happen, and how to prepare…that I have ran across lately. It is worth the time…I have listened to it twice.
Is that a Navy colt she’s holding? Look she’s holding it correctly not sideways.
I believe they are putting Harriet Tubman on the bill to pander to blacks and because the US $20 bill will be worthless shortly. The unsolved colour problem in America will cost her dearly.
Goldman Sachs was down 40% for this first Quarter, Intel just laid off 12 thousand people. The Chinese are planning to float ther own international currency, Britain is fleeing from the Europeans as the Arabs flood it, The Saudi’s are plotting and threatening to remove their investments, last but not least, our entire economy is a debtors economy with no industry or manufacturing. That owes trillions. We will be all slaves to that $20 bill. Lol.
The founders were reluctant to follow Jeffetsons advise and abolish the crime of slavery. While he yielded to them he had enough political sense to say this after the fight was lost to abolish. “I tremble when I think that God is just” he wasn’t trembling for the blacks or the whites but for the Republic because he realized that they were violating one of their main principles right at the very beginning. Today we have outlawed segregation but unfortunately anti-discrimination can’t be legislated.
It’s important to understand what it is about the black person that creates a problem in society. We are the visible minority, while American assimilated its European poor and so called low classed populations over time because they were able to visually disappear into the collective. THE BLACK VISIBILITY CANNOT BE CHANGED, It is unalterable and permanent. To argue that these are just exterior appearances isn’t logical as it is appearances that show up in public. No one who has preset notions about black women for instance, should see my inner gifts,or great brain or soft and living heart. All are mine to expose as I wish to the public space. Now after speaking to me, one may change their “view” of me, someone who is willing to accept diverse groups may find that the preconceived ideas are wrong. The brain then does its adjustment to this information.
Now say you see a cute little white Miss., she’s running down the street, blond hair swinging, only thing that may enter your mind is nice hair colour or oh man she’s slim, she must work out daily.. You go off down the road into your own life and it’s over…that is the security of the mundane, visually, nothing triggered you to think “that girl is running to find her oxycontin dealer or her Heroin fix, yet in places throughout American right now many Caucasian people are dying daily just as the Crack epidemic caused the death and dysfunctional lives of many blacks. In fact in New York stop and frisk and broken windows policing was aimed at this very fundamental issue. Visibility.
Back to the $20, if you “see” blacks as one thing or another it will impact how you like the $20 bill. For me I don’t care what black sits, if any on the $20 I just want to be able to collect my $20 out the bank before it collapses. Money is a construct that is based on trust. Do you trust a bill with a Underground Railroad that is taking away your labour force up North? Lol
Really quickly I’d like to say. This visibility thing is also happening right now with the LBGTQ people. At one of the rallies to allow transgendered people to use gender appropriate bathrooms, I saw a person that looked like a multicolored decorated hamster.. My brain immediately, yelled hell no, that thing needs to pee outside.. That’s my right to think and feel that way. I wouldn’t want that whatever it was to meet up on my grand children in any bathroom..I’m sure there are people who “see” black peoples and feel just like that, as is their right. This just goes to show that the techniques and laws that worked to allow integrated bathrooms use for blacks, when used for LBGTQ can create the exact opposite of what is right and fair for the weakest among us, our children. It is only the visualization of a white man or woman dressed in what I always knew as “drag” that would trigger that fight or flight response for an individual who finds Transgendered humans a problem. Are all transgendered people dangerous, parasitic humans are who want to take over our bathrooms and turn all our kids “gay”? Of course not. Same thing for the blacks, we may be easy to spot but we all don’t want you Sharjng bathrooms with us, pissing in fear or pissing for territory. Some of us don’t want any part in the madness, not the fluffy LGBTQ hamster, or the political agendas that push them or the average white man that sees me as a N word. As my mom taught me to say I only carry the colour I’m not part of the scheme.
We are all one family with extended family members we do not like and often don’t understand.
Rani -- I couldn’t post on the original thread…so here is my overdue response to your last ping to my pong…Mark -- Have a great night!
Oh my, so heartfelt sorry for your loss…there are no words…
Your other wonderful children sound amazing…I will remember them and you in my prayers tonight. I smiled at the pride in your adjectives about them!!! I have a 38 year old daughter who is the joy of my life Everyone’s testimony is like their fingerprint unique to them. I never try to walk a mile in other people’s moccasins…have made way too many missteps off the path in my own.
One of my closest friends had two abortions and then two daughters (all with her husband & they are still together with a solid marriage) and now six grandchildren. She and he are as Pro-Life as anyone can be. She would give anything to have done what you did both times…but she is also a forgiven Christian and has embraced the cross…she put her two abortions at the foot…regret yes, consequences yes, guilt-she is human-sure, but she has the Peace that Knows No Understanding…and there is only one source for that……the Triune God.
I agree with you on the double mint hustler twins and their single sided coin…heads its racism…tails its racism…pay me before we flip it or the Rainbow Collation will picket and the PC infected media is in on the blackmail. I see many strong black conservative leaders and voices…but I don’t see the masses of blacks supporting them or agreeing – I see too many still clinging to victim-hood…and that will get them yesterday’s newspaper and a warm can of beer.
On your PS about my poems: I wrote all of them in my 20’s in the 70’s and many have been published…some and two short stories in a national publication others in an anthology by multiple Nam Vet authors. PTSD (at least with me) became a decision to do what my friend with the two abortions did…lay it at the foot of the cross.
Here is one I’ll close with that is about Big Jim, and Tennessee, as well as Sticks, Tex, Billy, LT, Gary, Super Jew (he had the heart of a lion), Tabor, Chief, JL and the Nicky New Guy who was KIA on his first day and who’s name I never knew…
The Unwritten Poem, By the Forgotten Man
Remember the night we first met
and I kept staring
you thought I liked your girlfriend
instead of you
but I didn’t
remember our first date
the picnic at the park
you pushed me in the pond
and laughed while I almost drowned
but I didn’t
remember the first time we made love
it just happened by itself
you were afraid
and thought I was using you
but I didn’t
remember that summer night
we held each other and cried
because we were so happy
and you thought we were being silly
but I didn’t
remember that big fight
and the things we said we didn’t mean
I drove away cursing
and you thought we’d break up
but I didn’t
remember our wedding day
and the joy we shared
we held one another all night
and kissed for hours
you said I fell asleep first
but I didn’t
remember when I answered the call
how brave you were
we talked about our plans
the children we would have
and the life we would live
when I came home from Viet Nam
but I didn’t
Thank you for your thoughtful words on my losses. I remain strong in the Name of the most high.
Your poems, they are very good. Filled with the emotions, life love enemies and death. Very human. On the level of Rudyard Kipling, his works on World War One and Two is who you remind me of. I used to write too, not published though.
Clhildren are treasures. No doubt in my mind.
Have a great night Mark
Respect Rani
Thank you Rani -- that was sweet…. here is one that has moved some tough Nam Vets to tears…my big picture statement.
The Babies of the Boom
We are the children of heroes
who had been weaned
on the thin gruel of the depression
their manhood forged
in the inferno
of a world on fire
the war of their youth
as simple and righteous
as survival, victory and freedom
We are the Babies of the Boom
breast fed on the promise
of our father’s GI Bill
and the Mickey Mouse Club
the first generation
nurtured on the tube, inspired
by John Wayne, John Kennedy
and the echoes
of our Father’s glories
free, because of the tradition
of the American Citizen Soldier, Sailor, Airman & Marine
and the limb
grew strong and straight from the trunk
and the fruit
fell close to the tree
Maturing with the promise of Camelot
our power was invincible
our ideals pure
our fear naïve
our courage blind…
led by the Whiz Kids
the Best of the Brightest
we would follow the tradition
of the American Citizen Soldier, Sailor, Airman & Marine
we would
Ask not what our country could do for us
what we could do for our country
we went and did it
not our turn to serve America
our chance!
Much and many were lost
leaving us trapped
with the festering residue
of what men throughout the ages
who have survived combat
discover to their horror…
so much
so very, very much
about themselves
that is best not known
A generation
of Americana Citizen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen & Marines
that wasn’t betrayed
until sprayed
that wasn’t dishonored
until ignored
that wasn’t stressed
until delayed
that wasn’t missing
until abandoned
We found ourselves
defenseless, shocked and surprised
surrounded and ambushed
by our homecoming
by our own people
Our jaded youth
limped home
the stench of death
clinging to our nostrils
blood staining our hands
while the still frame hyper seconds
replayed in endless slow motion
upon the Black Granite Wall
engraved behind our eyelids
with the names of our dead buddies
with the nightmares of our own blood lust
and we were met
by the stares and scorn of the vocal minority
spitting on our sacrifice!
consumed by the simplistic naivete and group think
of the Woodstock floatism
the trendy assembly line non-conformists
scorning us…deriding us…screaming insults from a crowd
who would soon eagerly embrace
all that they raged against
(when it was safe and nothing would be asked of them)
future disco kings & queens & yuppies & dead eyed druggies
and we were met
by the stares and confusion
of the Silent Majority
their label a dubious distinction
their empathy tainted with apathy or even anger at us
a VFW WW2 drunk yelling Nam Vets didn’t bring the flag home!
the generation gap
widening into a chasm
leaving us treated more like victims
than veterans
and we were met
by the ugly stereotypes
the distortions and lies
of the media’s and Hollywood’s portrayal
of the drug crazed guilt ridden
hair trigger former baby killers
walking a thin line
on the edge of society…
ready to flip out
or forced to panhandle
then came the Rambo cartoons
Leaving us on the outside
glaring in
ignored or slandered
our noses pressed against the glass
of America’s window
and now a generation has passed
and my violent youth
time and truth have eroded the stereotypes
“The Wall” honored our fallen
my daughter watched my aging nightmares
in the movies Platoon and Full Metal Jacket
and looked at me questioningly…sadly
“Was the war like that Daddy…for you?”
I dodge her questions
knowing so much
about myself
that is best not known
We were the children of heroes
weaned on the rich broth
of Americanism
our manhood forged
in the inferno
of our warrior’s trial by fire
our time in the arena
and the war of our youth
as simple and timeless as fallen man’s endless sin
not created by God to do to one another what war does
betrayed by those who sent us
betrayed by those who stayed behind
We had a saying when covered with gore: “It don’t mean nothing.”
but that was a brave front…
It meant everything
[…] H/t NCR […]
Like Reni I believe there is a gaggle of Black Swans starting to flap their wings…some possibilities:
The FEDS will further devalue the dollar by printing billions & trillions more – out of thin air – eventually throwing it from helicopters in desperation to keep the greatest credit -- debit -- derivative -- fiat bubble in the history of the world from bursting.
American interest rates will drop to subzero levels and Banks will charge you a percent to keep your money.
The stock & bond markets will crash and the great recession of 2008 becomes the little baby brother of the Tsunami wave derivative crash of the monster recession of 2016/17 (I don’t think they can hold it together until 2018 – they are desperate for a controlled crash but that will not happen).
Hard cash will shrink (if you can even get it) and get harder and harder to find one day finally disappearing as all transactions will become digital (as the Banksters crave complete control over your money).
Eventually the dollar loses its reserve currency status and drops 30% to 50% in value overnight….
The 10 year drain of Gold & Silver to the East from the West rears its head and suddenly a basket of Gold backed foreign currencies rival or surpass the dollar in value…
After the impending financial collapse hits the government declares a Bank Bail-In as allowed by the Dodd Frank bill and signed by Obama in 2010 and all 401ks, IRAs, and all private savings accounts (in a crisis declared by the Feds) become owned by the Banks and you get bank stock instead of your money and the Bank stock is worth about 50% of what your account was…was as in past tense…was as in gone overnight…was as in what the elites did in Greece, and Austria and are planning to do here.
Marshall Law in many cities will have to follow…they have been preparing for that necessity too.
The stage is being set for the greatest wealth/power transfer in the history of the world…and most Americas will not figure it out or understand what happened or be positioned or prepared to survive…let alone prosper until it is long over and they are led to the financial slaughter Baaaahhhhing like the sheeple most of them are.
This is the most concise, yet far ranging and informative interview on what is going on (explained in clear language) and what is going to happen, and how to prepare…that I have ran across lately. It is worth the time…I have listened to it twice.