I Miss America – Part III

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Robert Small was arrested for asking a question at a public forum on common core. As the video clearly shows, the “police officer” is identified as “security”. Now Mr. Small is charged with assaulting a police officer. Really?

I miss America but what does that mean? Does that mean that I will stand up and ask questions? I have been doing that for five years. But I still miss America, even more today than yesterday. Where does that leave us?

As Mr. Small is escorted out for asking a question, there are two points to notice:

  1. The school superintendents are smiling.
  2. The people in the audience did nothing.

And now Mr. Small is facing ten years in prison for second degree assault of a police officer. Mr. Small is not facing prison for assault, he is facing prison for standing up. Why is no one else standing up? What do you have to fear? Do you think it is going to get better? Why does a public forum on education need security officers in America?

My wife and I were asked after church yesterday if we were afraid since the government is monitoring our house. I actually broke out laughing. If the government is monitoring me, think how desperate they must be. That does not mean that the government is not capable of incarcerating or attacking us. Illegal NSA surveillance and IRS attacks on private citizens for political ideologies have been exposed. But Congress is doing nothing because:

  1. They are afraid.
  2. They are complicit.
  3. Both of the above.

If we live in fear and do not stand up, the consequences will be on our children’s heads.

David DeGerolamo

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J. Marshalek
J. Marshalek
11 years ago

You should not laugh…don’t you know that the pen is mightier than the sword.