I think what irritates me the most is that the Republic was given away without a fight. A small protest in Washington, D.C. on January 6th that was labelled as an insurrection immediately suppressed any resistance to their successful coup. Why does anyone accept a protest as an “insurrection” when no one was armed except the police and federal infiltrators?
Some people are waking up now that gas is $4 a gallon, shelves are not stocked and food is quickly becoming a commodity that people cannot afford. Covid-19 has mutated into its latest variant: the Russia/Ukraine war. Any diversion is acceptable to misdirect the people so that their great reset will turn this world into an elite dystopia where proles will be slaves or killed.
Oh look, a squirrel.
David DeGerolamo
“They consider themselves to be your rulers”
Agree 100%. And not just the ones in DC, but governors, mayors, judges, all with no concern for the law, just for their ideology and their greed.
Brother, I understand how you feel, but we didn’t lose the Republic on January 6th. We lost it in 1865. That was the beginning of the end. January 6th was just the culmination of the destruction of the last vestiges of what our Founders bequeathed to us. It appears we will have to earn the right to return to anything approaching what has been lost through sacrifice, blood, and sweat. May God have mercy on us all.
Malachi; I agree that 1865 was a major step forward for the destruction of our country. However, we started loosing it before the ink was totally dry on the Constitution. Then in 1842 we as a Republic took a major blow to our private property rights with the changing of our rights to personal property. This is when they changed the “trespass” law. All this of coarse means little if we don’t FIGHT for those lost rights today. The responsibility of returning us to a REPUBLIC lies in the PEOPLE. The Constitution and Bill of Rights did not guarantee anything. It gave us the power to act and preserve what we once had. It is a set of guidelines you either believe in or dismiss. People have to CHOOSE, pure and simple.