I Thought Russia Was Losing (or Was That Sucking Sound Our Tax Dollars?)


How much time does our country have left? Not much as the US elites extract billions of our dollars to fund a war in Ukraine. Let’s be clear: this money is not for a war but a means to pad their bank accounts when the US economy collapses.

David DeGerolamo

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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

The “looting of the treasury” phase of the collapse.

2 years ago

Bring it. Cant wait

2 years ago

Congress needs to stop the money laundering through Ukraine! We must take care of our own! Establish a national Border guard for the Southern states daily experiencing Foreign Invasion, Establish care for our own Veterans, Establish a method of assistance for the homeless that gives them a hand up Not a hand out -- Get them off drugs and back into society. None of this will happen if we allow the CCP mindset to crush our land; Elites want us down and helpless.