Speaker Kevin McCarthy gave his most full-throated support for aiding Ukraine in its war against the Russian invasion, in a heated exchange with a Russian news agency reporter in Jerusalem.
McCarthy has in the past called for further scrutiny of aid to Ukraine, responding in part to far-right members of the GOP who have been critical of US aiding Kyiv. Former President Donald Trump, the frontrunner to be the Republican nominee again in 2024, has also made critical comments about the US effort to defend Ukraine.
The speaker, on a trip to Israel was asked by a reporter from a Russian news agency if the US will curtail aid to Ukraine.
“I vote for aid for Ukraine, I support aid for Ukraine,” McCarthy said. “I do not support what your country has done to Ukraine, I do not support your killing of the children either.”
“You should pull out and I don’t think it’s right,” the speaker said. “We will continue to support. And I think the rest of the world sees it just as it is.”
If the Republic was overthrown in 2020 with voter fraud and the installation of an illegal pResident, is it treason to support this government? Or is it just a convenient lie perpetrated on the people who want to believe that they are free?
Since the people still have not accepted the United States involvement in funding and supporting the SARS-COV2 pandemic, they continue to lie. The banking crisis, employment rate, de-dollarization and the proxy war in Ukraine are all misrepresented and suppressed by the government and media propaganda outlets. Just because a traitor has an “R” after his name does not lessen his culpability in the destruction of our nation.
David DeGerolamo
They are all devoted to our destruction, it matters not what they say, it only matters what they do. A vile and satanic regime, we only have one solution and it is not a peaceful one.
I hope every bolthole, bunker, and hideaway for these sellout scumbags is located, and bunker busted to rubble when ww3 starts.
Saw some nice speculation that Nuland and other neocon puppet masters might be targeted by Russia for individual assassination as payback for the Kremlin drone attack instead of the frontal attack on Zelenki they are expecting. Wouldn’t that be nice?
The new snake on the block has spoken. Wonder who pulls his strings? You guessed it!
Im guessing its this POS:
Abs who pulls his strings!
this demon possessed son of the devil is up to his eyeballs in our government demanding and dictating world events and the destruction of our nation., this POS Rothchild Kazarian filthy nazi jew should be shot dead on site or hanged which fits him.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy is the Speaker of the US House of Representatives.
If you want to call and express your opinion on his existence in a parallel and venal universe, or the fact that Putin is selling diesel fuel to Zelensky who is buying it with our tax dollars -- call: 202-224-3121 and ask for his office.
McCarthy is a lying snake. The six representatives should hold a recall vote on his performance for the last 4 months, if nothing else, to make him aware that his performance is being monitored.
PHUC YOU, wanting your 10% is going to cost you much more. These elected money launderers don’t give one rat’s ass for this country.
You didn’t really expect anything different, did you????
Nearly every member of Congress is owned and controlled by TPTB. No real shock here.
Powerful Lobbyist Behind Kevin McCarthy’ is Israel Advocate,Jeff Miller. Don’t let the name fool you. A tribe who thinks they
have a right to Ukraine are behind this on-going conflict.
Col. MacGregor addressed this.
Bingo! You got it! Did you hear his speech to the Israeli parliament this week? He is forming a collusive tight Israeli/ House of Representative ‘friendship group’ in the Congress.
Vote Harder for the Uniparty.
Kevin McCarthy should open his own wallet and give Ukraine his own money instead of STEALING money from US Citizens.
ALL money (or stuff) stolen from US Citizens and given to Ukraine or ANY other country is a huge violation against US! It is theft and WE did Not authorize charity in OUR Constitution!
OUR government employees have been sacking and looting US for a long time! When do we stop them?
“--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the CONSENT of the governed, --”
Remember that McCarthy is MTG’s boy.
Anyone have the phone number for the Kremlin? Like to ring them up and ask Putin to please nuke the district of criminals, while these bastards are in session! One for them and one for Davos!
And to think MTG pumps this guy up. Uniparty
just another lackey RINO S-Bag who has been there far too long and he is a member of the uni-party terrorists that have been running our government into the ground, the entire government stinks like crap and should be burned down to the ground.