It did not take long for someone to question my use of the term Republic for the type of government that we had in the Old Republic. Here is the comment:
A republic IS a democracy, a democracy via representatives rather than a direct democracy.
What made America distinct was that the government was limited in powers by a Constitution.
The distinction you should make is between a republic and a constitutional republic and, specifically, one that enshrines the individual’s and the people’s rights within the Constitution.
Republic vs democracy is a trivial and meaningless distinction.
And that is what cancel culture ideology and an educational system based on propaganda will get you. Or rather I should say has gotten us. Surprisingly, even if the point was valid, you cannot have a Republic that is based on democratically elected representatives if elections are fraudulent.
I had a discussion with a woman once who was adamant that the United States was a Democracy. I pointed out the Pledge of Allegiance which used to be recited every day in our classrooms. That was the end of the discussion. However, we the sheeple are told everyday that we are a Democracy and people argue for their ignorance. Our founding fathers took great care to ensure that a majority of people (or representatives) would not trample on our freedom. They gave us a Republic based on their education, historical precedents and wisdom. For more information, read the 5000 Leap.
David DeGerolamo
Bravo David! When was the last time you heard the Pledge of Allegiance in public. I doubt very much the average young adult and child even knows where to start.
I for one am glad you call it what it is, a republic.
What is was.
Unfortunately and we only have ourselves to blame.
I sure wish we had politicians like Franklin
Terms as defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Alexander Hamilton recorded in his personal papers on June 26, 1787, titled Constitutional Convention. Remarks on the Term of Office for Members of the Second Branch of the Legislature, “We are now forming a republican government. Real liberty is neither found in despotism or the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments.”
John Adams in a letter to John Taylor on April 15, 1814 states, “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”
James Madison wrote in The Federalist #10, “Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”
“How do we help the oppressor? Prevent him from oppressing!”
A qualified vote would return us to the original intent. You have a high school diploma or GED and you pay taxes, you vote. If you go on welfare you lose the right to vote until you work your way off of it. Simple, but effective, stakeholders only.
Almost good enough, but not sufficient. You get a vote only if you are free of debt.
Only people living free of debt will be less inclined to vote themselves benefits from the assets of others’ stolen by taxation.
You are correct, only that assumes sound money as a prerequisite..
Well put. A Democracy or Republic without limitations of a Constitution is just tyranny in waiting.
See, Australia, NZ, Canada.
Ever wonder how a real man acts in the face of tyrants? This man is not a sheep. Here’s your chance to meet one:
Skousen’s “5000 Year Leap” should be required reading in all HS civics classes. But since actual history and civic responsibility is no longer taught (barely tolerated) in public indoctrination “education” programs, it should find its way into the hands of every liberty minded and responsible adult who understands the difference between a subject and a citizen.
Where did Benjamin Franklins ‘wisdom’ come from?
A Deist (even one who is termed a “Christian Deist” does NOT believe in the DIVINITY” of Jesus -- just the moral teachings and Precepts that Jesus espoused.
From what i can find they do not believe of Jesus in the flesh.
Do we see the problem? Does it matter?
Did any one notice how the two quotes given kinda contradict themselves?
Liberty is a well armed Lamb.