I Will Not Go Peacefully

christian mercenary

For the most part, I think my last post was seized upon for its anti-tax position much more than it should have been. Who cares about my particular situation? Is it relevant? My answer is no. I was asking how long will you wait to resist? Or as one person suggested: What are you doing to resist?

Trust me, the very mention of resistance caused visits from the Department of Homeland Security (an inclusion which will already invite numerous visits), the USDA, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Defense, the Naval Information boys, the Department of State, office of the Secretary and numerous state organizations all interested in what I might say about resistance to their illegal activities.

If anyone doubts that what I write costs me something, think again. I put everything on the line every time I write a syllable. It is something I have understood since 2011 when an IRS agent arrived at my place of business to intimidate me with accusations and insinuations. Ultimately, it cost me several thousand dollars and more than a year of such intimidation.


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9 years ago

I would dare to speculate that all of us who speak out have been abused in the same ways. I can affirm that my family and I certainly have, and i know of several others who have experienced it, as well.

What the power-hungry and the career bureaucrats fail to realize is that the more abuse they apply, the more people they will wake up to the irreparable corruption which the regime represents. Many, forced to such an awakening, will respond with profound anger when they discover the source of the abuse and derission which they have long been been suffering under.

Or, in other words, “the more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers”.

9 years ago

I believe L.T. Davis has lost sight of what is most important. When one looks to the Law of God and seeks to condemn all who do not live according to the Law of God, one is doomed to destruction. I believe L.T. is living under the ministry of Moses. Paul writes about this affliction in that Paul describes the Ministry of Moses as the Ministry of Condemnation. The Scriptures tell of many who failed to recognize Christ in His day because they clung to the hope that the Law of God would change their life and their circumstances under Roman oppression. They all died 70 years later at Masada.

Freedom come only through the Ministry of Christ. It is by the Spirit of God that we free ourselves from the sickness of this generation. The wrath of man without the Spirit can not bring about the Righteousness of God in this generation. It is by the Spirit of God that we find the path that God has chosen for us who believe. One can choose to be like Joshua who waited on God for his instructions or one can suffer the fate of the zealot who lived for the Law. In L.T. latest writings where is God?