A patriotic whistleblower told me DHS special agents are being pulled off investigating child trafficking to make sandwiches for illegal immigrants at the southern border. Secretary Mayorkas can’t deny it. Watch 👇 pic.twitter.com/9eOq4wPAWQ
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) October 31, 2023
h/t Matt Bracken on GAB
Nothing FJB does would surprise me.
These people must be hanged for clear cut undeniable treason , the bureaucracy under orders from obiden and Obama are destroying our nation and it will turn to a hot civil war very soon. They want all conservatives, republicans and Christian’s dead and buried and by them allowing to enter freely and now we give them sandwiches being made by agents. This is a total disgrace and a seething hatred for Americans.
They flat out tell us there is nothing we can do about it, do you honestly think they are afraid of us armed patriots? We could post meaner comments, maybe that will rattle them.
That no one, including myself, has done anything more than write comments is a testimony to something i suppose…Restraint? Cowardice? Complacency? Lack of Skills/Preparedness? All Of The Above? I don’t know. Not a lack of anger though…fat lot of good that does us…or our progeny.
Lack of resources. And opportunity. Otherwise we’d do it.
Protect the borders of Israel, but, do not under any circumstances protect the border of the U.S. That is the mission of the Israel’s sock puppet U.S. government. Who is $ John Galt?
Easy turnaround once we eviscerate Congress (yeah I know, haha).
Stop with the money.
1)If you are illegal, you get nothing. Nada. No welfare, no shelter, no medical care, unless you pay for it. No $2,200 a month while you wait for your immigration hearing in 2036. Zip. Zilch.
2)If you are a business and hire an illegal, you get fined as per existing law. No appeal. I think it’s still $10K per violation, but I havent checked recently.
3)If we catch you, you will be deported immediately, and the country you came from will be charged for the cost, plus a fine of not less than $1MM per deportee, payable in increased tariffs or reduced pricing of imports from said country.
They’ll self deport in a few months.