I Would Like to Address the Other Side

The US Government is in too Deep (State) - The Oldie

I know the other side is monitoring this site. This limits our ability to organize and post information and intelligence that would compromise operational security. (Or is this just misinformation?).

I want to address the other side instead of our regular readers. I do not have to make any delineations concerning what constitutes the other side: you know who you are. Few of you are true believers; you are truly evil men and women who have little regard for whom you consider the little people. In fact, you consider the little people to be fodder to achieve your goals or just impediments who need to be eliminated.

So I have some questions that I would like to put forth for your consideration:

  1. What happens when you lose? Note my qualifier is “when” not “if”. Study history and see what happens when good people are pushed too far as in the French Revolution.
  2. How do you know whom you can trust? I was told by a high level source before Donald Trump was elected that there was a movement within the federal government to restore Liberty. This included the recruitment of an outsider whom I now believe was Donald Trump. How many of these patriots are still in place? How many patriots will it take to expose you?
  3. The Deep State will throw the people some “bones”. It may be Dr. Fauci. It may be Bill Barr. Will it be you?
  4. What happens if the country is attacked by one or more foreign powers? You have effectively emasculated the military, destroyed our borders and made us vulnerable to cyber attacks. Do you think that Joe Biden’s Communist Chinese handlers will protect you and your family?
  5. What happens if Donald Trump is reinstated as President of the United States? He will declare martial law after establishing a new military leadership that will respond to the legal commander-in-chief. What charges will be brought against you for supporting a coup against the government? What happens if the justice system is replaced by a military court which will try all cases of treason?
  6. Will you receive special consideration if you “cooperate”?
  7. Will you be able to keep any of your “perks” that have been hidden?
  8. Will you be able to escape before the collapse?
  9. Will your superiors stand up for you when you state that “I was only following orders”?
  10. When will the media turn on you?

There is a common thread in the above questions: all are asked as they pertain to you, not the country. For the very small subset who have doubts and would consider returning to our founding principles, your time to repent is rapidly closing for the time of the English is coming:

From Kipling’s “The Beginnings”:

It was not part of their blood, They were not easily moved, They were icy-willing to wait Till every count should be proved,

Ere the English began to hate. Their voices were even and low, Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show,

When the English began to hate. It was not preached to the crowd, It was not taught by the State. No man spoke it aloud, When the English began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred, It will not swiftly abate, Through the chill years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the English began to hate.

And we are armed, backed into a corner and have been taught to hate. By you.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Soon the time will come for the traitors left and right, you cannot stop what is coming.

3 years ago

It would be nice to see someone of ….”Note” reply.
With thought and not the typical…crap.
I’m curious.

robert orians
robert orians
3 years ago

Tik tok . I see a cloud as a mans hand . Mount Carmel once more . tptb cannot understand the things of the Spirit . It’s why they will always fail . They have no clue what I’m saying .

3 years ago

Made me smile. And think….What would Henry Bowman do?

3 years ago

“It’s time for Men and Women of God to stop avoiding the issues at hand and being afraid of offending weak minded individuals ! It’s time for Men and Women of God to stand for Truth and Righteousness just as our Founders did. It’s time the passion for what’s right, and the rule of Law, to come into view on the plane of Truth and Reason !” -Paraclete
Liberty Bible Hour
Liberty Tree Radio.4mg.com

3 years ago

From the FDA’s video “Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory” in October 2020.(SCREEN CAPTURE image posted below)
FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines: DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes ***Subject to change***-Guillain-Barré syndrome -Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis -Transverse myelitis -Encephalitis /myelitis/encephalomyelitis/meningoencephalitis/meningitis/encephalopathy -Convulsions/seizures -Stroke -Narcolepsy and cataplexy -Anaphylaxis -Acute myocardial infarction -Myocarditis/pericarditis -Autoimmune disease -Deaths -Preganacy and birth outcomes -Other acute demyelinating diseases -Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions -Thrombocytopenia -Disseminated intervascular coagulation -Venous thromboembolism -Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain -Kawasaki disease -Multisymptom Inflammatory Syndrome in Children -Vaccine enhanced disease

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

To the deep state and others. Both sides if you will.
Is this what you are hiding from us, keeping us busy and in constant chaos? Is this what you are prepping for? You the liars can not hide.
Who Remembers the Yellow Sun?
10,820 viewsJul 25, 2021

3 years ago

We need to be organized. Who will lead? The left is pushing for confrontation. We can’t wait. Our country permanently degrades on a daily basis. Please, someone lead, I will certainly follow.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gman

better figure out what leaderless resistance is.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

This is the way!!!!

3 years ago

Nice name

3 years ago

although I certainly agree with the sentiment, the writer of this article is at least half clueless to the real history.
(((they))) engineered the French Revolution to their benefit.
the founding principals are a complete fraud perpetrated by (((them))). The founding fathers and the constitution was a complete scam from word one.
I can pick apart every point as to how he’s clueless to the history of the (((real perps))).
We don’t have a hope in hell of winning unless you face who the REAL enemy are.

3 years ago

So you’re going to sit this one out? You have insulted everyone to their core. Now please enlighten us on who the real enemy is?

3 years ago
Reply to  Doug

absolutely not sitting this one out. But I sure as hell know EXACTLY who the enemy are.
Do you ? Do you really ? I’d be willing to bet 95% on here do not.
And if you don’t get that point ….

3 years ago

You can trust NOBODY.
The Deep State/left has a long history of creating scapegoats. Generaly they are the useful idiots who have ceased to be useful. Fauci WILL be one of them eventually.
Why would a foreign power attack us…..China and the CCP are successfully defeating us without the need for actual violence. You don’t destroy something you can acquire through nonviolent means.
Trump is NOT and NEVER WILL be reinstated as POTUS. The left has proven irrefutably that they OWN every single mechanism tasked with holding them accountable for their crimes. The ONLY remedy left for ‘we the people’ is civil war. And there won’t be anything but broken pieces left when that happens.
“Cooperation” is a matter of perspective. To one side it’s cooperation, to the other it’s collusion. Either way you face retribution if you aren’t REAL careful and REAL lucky.
Escape before the collapse? To where? Once the SHTF there isn’t going to be anywhere safe left to escape to.
Nuremberg is the blueprint that WILL be used to hang those who “just followed orders” regardless of which side wins.
The media turns on EVERYONE eventually.

3 years ago

This reminds me of the short story by Matt Bracken, What I say At The Coup. It did not end well for the traitors.


3 years ago
Reply to  X-Beast

Matt Bracken….. another fool who doesn’t know who the (((real enemy))) are.
Not only does he not know, you point it out and he attacks you for it.
How the hell do you win a war without knowing exactly who to go after ?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

The real enemy is often ourselves, judging by many of your comments it would seem you are no exception.

pozzed skaggs
pozzed skaggs
3 years ago

You’re totally right about everything. Big man babies acting tough can’t afford to check out what you said, or hold a slight edge of curiosity to ask what or who. They just get fussy and attack the messenger.
We are truly fucked.

pozzed skaggs
pozzed skaggs
3 years ago
Reply to  pozzed skaggs


3 years ago

I do not hate. But, neither do I forget.
And I shall repay.
I will not hesitate, nor apologize, nor stop, or even rest, until it is done.
Why should I doubt or hesitate?
My enemies do not. They have chosen for themselves the fate of being mindless cogs in a machine of destruction.
And when we destroy that machine, we must break EVERY wheel of it, sparing none.
Never, ever leave anything of value on the battlefield for your enemy to take up against you.
Neither food, nor medicine, nor shelter, nor any other resource. If you cannot seize it and secure it for yourself, then you must --
Kill it.
Burn it.
Blow it up.
Leave Nothing but the ashen residue of defeat in your wake.
As 0bama told us, “You didnt build it” and it isn’t yours. Take this to heart, and understand. When you and yours are dead and gone, they will still be no closer to their communist paradise, but they’ll still be raping, looting, and murdering; both at street level, and by vile fiat from the highest offices in the land. TOTAL WAR is what they have declared, and the flag of No Quarter flies above every government office building, corporate headquarters, and union hall, as far as your imagination can travel.
Every one of them is a legitimate target.

Embrace the proposition of Total War, now.
Your enemies did so 20+ years ago, and are winning because of it.


Alex Lund
Alex Lund
3 years ago

While I do like your question I think you have not looked beyond the curve.
Dear Mr Security Agent,
you follow your orders blindly.
But do you think you are safe?
For those who are white did you not have the Anti-white training sessions? Whites are not to be trusted, they are evil, werent you taught that?
How long do you think you will be allowed to be an agent?
You will be replaced -- sooner or later.
Even if you are now on the bandwagon you entered the force while it was not communist.
And therefore you are considered untrustworthy by the powers. You will be replaced by BLM, communists and other non-whites.
And then? Do you think your status as an ex-agent will protect you?
The same apllies if you stay on the force and retire after reaching the required age.
Then you are also no longer protected. Then you will be seen as old guy who takes away from the younger, more deserving people.
For the powers you are nothing but a disposable tool. You get a pat on the head but once your usefulness has ended you will be disposed by the powers just as you disposed the enemies of those in power.


[…] wrote an article yesterday to the Deep State operatives outlining a series of questions for them to consider. I did […]

Elder Son
Elder Son
3 years ago

God will make the time, when enough people have the time to bend the knee for Him.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
3 years ago

They have been addressing us for a long time. At least since the Garden and then some like the ’30s.
An Early Warning Cartoon: How to Take Over The World -- YouTube

3 years ago

I fervently hope you are right and that they can’t stop what is coming.